NS_DECL_SBIMEDIALIST | sbLocalDatabaseMediaListBase () |
virtual | ~sbLocalDatabaseMediaListBase () |
nsresult | Init (sbLocalDatabaseLibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aGuid, PRBool aOwnsLibrary=PR_TRUE) |
< sbLocalDatabaseLibrary > | GetNativeLibrary () |
sbILocalDatabaseGUIDArray * | GetArray () |
nsresult | AddListener (sbIMediaListListener *aListener, PRBool aOwnsWeak=PR_FALSE, PRUint32 aFlags=0) |
void | SetCachedListContentType (PRUint16 aContentType) |
void | BeginUpdateBatch () |
void | EndUpdateBatch () |
NS_DECL_SBIMEDIAITEM | sbLocalDatabaseMediaItem () |
virtual | ~sbLocalDatabaseMediaItem () |
nsresult | Init (sbLocalDatabaseLibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aGuid, PRBool aOwnsLibrary=PR_TRUE) |
| Initializes the media item. More...
| sbSupportsWeakReference () |
void | SetSuppressNotifications (in boolean aSuppress) |
void | testIsURIAvailable (in nsIObserver aObserver) |
| Test if this media item is available for playback. More...
nsIChannel | openInputStreamAsync (in nsIStreamListener aListener, in nsISupports aContext) |
| Asynchronously get an input stream to the content of the media item. More...
nsIInputStream | openInputStream () |
| Synchronously get an input stream to the content of the media item. More...
nsIOutputStream | openOutputStream () |
| Get an output stream to the content of the media item. More...
AString | toString () |
| Get a string representation of the media item, useful for debugging. More...
AString | getProperty (in AString aID) |
| Get the value of a property of this resource. More...
void | setProperty (in AString aID, in AString aValue) |
| Set the value of a property on this resource. More...
sbIPropertyArray | getProperties ([optional] in sbIPropertyArray aPropertyIDs) |
| Get properties from this resource in a property array. More...
void | setProperties (in sbIPropertyArray aProperties) |
| Sets the properties and values in the supplied property array to this resource. This works as if you called setProperty on each property in the array. More...
boolean | equals (in sbILibraryResource aOtherLibraryResource) |
| Tests the equality of two library resources. More...
| sbLocalDatabaseMediaListListener () |
virtual | ~sbLocalDatabaseMediaListListener () |
sbIMediaItem | getItemByGuid (in AString aGuid) |
| Get a media item in the list by guid. More...
sbIMediaItem | getItemByIndex (in unsigned long aIndex) |
| Get a media item in the list by index. More...
unsigned short | getListContentType () |
| Get the content type of the media list. More...
void | enumerateAllItems (in sbIMediaListEnumerationListener aEnumerationListener, [optional] in unsigned short aEnumerationType) |
| Enumerate all items in the list. More...
void | enumerateItemsByProperty (in AString aPropertyID, in AString aPropertyValue, in sbIMediaListEnumerationListener aEnumerationListener, [optional] in unsigned short aEnumerationType) |
| Enumerate the media items in the list that match a given property ID and value. More...
void | enumerateItemsByProperties (in sbIPropertyArray aProperties, in sbIMediaListEnumerationListener aEnumerationListener, [optional] in unsigned short aEnumerationType) |
| Enumerate the media items that match a list of property IDs and values. More...
nsIArray | getItemsByProperty (in AString aPropertyID, in AString aPropertyValue) |
PRUint32 | getItemCountByProperty (in AString aPropertyID, in AString aPropertyValue) |
nsIArray | getItemsByProperties (in sbIPropertyArray aProperties) |
unsigned long | indexOf (in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem, [optional] in unsigned long aStartFrom) |
| Get the first index of a media item in the list. More...
unsigned long | lastIndexOf (in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem, in unsigned long aStartFrom) |
| Get the last index of a media item int he list. More...
boolean | contains (in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem) |
| Check if the list contains a media item. More...
void | add (in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem) |
| Add a media item to this list. More...
sbIMediaItem | addItem (in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem) |
| addItem a media item to this list More...
void | addAll (in sbIMediaList aMediaList) |
| Add the contents of a media list to this list. More...
void | addSome (in nsISimpleEnumerator aMediaItems) |
| Adds media items suppled by the provided enumerator NOTE: This method is now deprecated. More...
void | addMediaItems (in nsISimpleEnumerator aMediaItems, in sbIAddMediaItemsListener aListener, in boolean aAsync) |
| Adds media items suppled by the provided enumerator. More...
void | remove (in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem) |
| Remove the first occurrence of the given media item from the list. More...
void | removeByIndex (in unsigned long aIndex) |
| Remove a media item from the list by index. More...
void | removeSome (in nsISimpleEnumerator aMediaItems) |
| Removed media items suppled by the provided enumerator. More...
void | clear () |
| Clear the list. More...
void | addListener (in sbIMediaListListener aListener, [optional] in boolean aOwnsWeak, [optional] in unsigned long aFlags, [optional] in sbIPropertyArray aPropertyFilter) |
| Add a listener to this media list. More...
void | removeListener (in sbIMediaListListener aListener) |
| Remove a listener from this media list. More...
sbIMediaListView | createView ([optional] in sbIMediaListViewState aState) |
| Create a new, raw view for this list. This is generally not the function that you want to use for making views as it will create a completely raw view, for example lacking any filterConstraint. Please consider using sbLibraryUtils.createStandardMediaListView and proceed carefully if you use this method instead. More...
void | runInBatchMode (in sbIMediaListBatchCallback aCallback, [optional] in nsISupports aUserData) |
| Runs the given callback with the given user data in batch mode. More...
nsIStringEnumerator | getDistinctValuesForProperty (in AString aPropertyID) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetDefaultSortProperty (nsAString &aProperty)=0 |
nsresult | MakeStandardQuery (sbIDatabaseQuery **_retval) |
nsresult | GetFilteredPropertiesForNewItem (sbIPropertyArray *aProperties, sbIPropertyArray **_retval) |
nsresult | GetOriginProperties (sbIMediaItem *aSourceItem, sbIMutablePropertyArray *aProperties) |
void | SetArray (sbILocalDatabaseGUIDArray *aArray) |
| ~sbSupportsWeakReference () |
void | ClearWeakReferences () |
PRBool | HasWeakReferences () const |
nsresult | Init () |
nsresult | AddListener (sbLocalDatabaseMediaListBase *aList, sbIMediaListListener *aListener, PRBool aOwnsWeak=PR_FALSE, PRUint32 aFlags=sbIMediaList::LISTENER_FLAGS_ALL, sbIPropertyArray *aPropertyFilter=nsnull) |
nsresult | RemoveListener (sbLocalDatabaseMediaListBase *aList, sbIMediaListListener *aListener) |
PRUint32 | ListenerCount () |
void | NotifyListenersItemAdded (sbIMediaList *aList, sbIMediaItem *aItem, PRUint32 aIndex) |
| Notifies all listeners that an item has been added to the list. More...
void | NotifyListenersBeforeItemRemoved (sbIMediaList *aList, sbIMediaItem *aItem, PRUint32 aIndex) |
| Notifies all listeners that an item is about to be removed from the list. More...
void | NotifyListenersAfterItemRemoved (sbIMediaList *aList, sbIMediaItem *aItem, PRUint32 aIndex) |
| Notifies all listeners that an item has been removed from the list. More...
void | NotifyListenersItemUpdated (sbIMediaList *aList, sbIMediaItem *aItem, sbIPropertyArray *aProperties) |
| Notifies all listeners that an item has been updated. More...
void | NotifyListenersItemMoved (sbIMediaList *aList, PRUint32 aFromIndex, PRUint32 aToIndex) |
| Notifies all listeners that an item has been moved. More...
void | NotifyListenersBeforeListCleared (sbIMediaList *aList, PRBool aExcludeLists) |
| Notifies all listeners before the list has been cleared. More...
void | NotifyListenersListCleared (sbIMediaList *aList, PRBool aExcludeLists) |
| Notifies all listeners that the list has been cleared. More...
void | NotifyListenersBatchBegin (sbIMediaList *aList) |
| Notifies all listeners that multiple items are about to be changed. More...
void | NotifyListenersBatchEnd (sbIMediaList *aList) |
| Notifies all listeners that multiple items have been changed. More...