#include "sbDeviceXMLCapabilities.h"
#include <sbIDeviceCapabilities.h>
#include <sbIDeviceProperties.h>
#include <sbMemoryUtils.h>
#include <sbStandardDeviceProperties.h>
#include <sbStringUtils.h>
#include <sbVariantUtils.h>
#include <sbVariantUtilsLib.h>
#include <nsComponentManagerUtils.h>
#include <nsIFile.h>
#include <nsIDOMDocument.h>
#include <nsIDOMElement.h>
#include <nsIDOMNamedNodeMap.h>
#include <nsIDOMNode.h>
#include <nsIDOMNodeList.h>
#include <nsIMutableArray.h>
#include <nsIScriptSecurityManager.h>
#include <nsIPropertyBag2.h>
#include <nsIXMLHttpRequest.h>
#include <nsMemory.h>
#include <nsServiceManagerUtils.h>
#include <nsTArray.h>
#include <nsThreadUtils.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
#define SB_DEVICE_CAPS_ELEMENT "devicecaps" |
#define SB_DEVICE_CAPS_NS "http://songbirdnest.com/devicecaps/1.0" |
static nsresult BuildRange |
( |
nsIDOMNode * |
aRangeNode, |
sbIDevCapRange ** |
aRange |
) |
| |
static |
Builds a range object from a range node
- Parameters
aRangeNode | The range node to use to build the range object |
aRange | The returned range |
Definition at line 457 of file sbDeviceXMLCapabilities.cpp.
static nsresult GetFractionRangeValues |
( |
nsIDOMNode * |
aDOMNode, |
nsIArray ** |
aOutCapRangeArray, |
PRBool * |
aOutIsRange |
) |
| |
static |
This method will retrieve a set of values or a min/max value depending on which value type is specified. If the value is a range (i.e. has a min/max value) |aOutIsRange| will be true and the first and second element in |aOutCapRangeArray| will be the min and max values respectively.
Definition at line 564 of file sbDeviceXMLCapabilities.cpp.
static nsresult GetNodeValue |
( |
nsIDOMNode * |
aValueNode, |
nsAString & |
aValue |
) |
| |
static |
Gets the content value of the node
- Parameters
aValueNode | The DOM node to get the value |
aValue | Receives the value from the node |
Definition at line 429 of file sbDeviceXMLCapabilities.cpp.
static nsresult GetStringFractionValues |
( |
const nsAString & |
aString, |
PRUint32 * |
aOutNumerator, |
PRUint32 * |
aOutDenominator |
) |
| |
static |
This method attempts to split a fraction string in the form of "numerator/denominator" into two out-param unsigned integers.
Definition at line 530 of file sbDeviceXMLCapabilities.cpp.