34 #include "nsISupports.idl"
83 [scriptable,
sbIFaceplatePane getPane(in AString aID)
Cause all faceplate widgets to immediately destory their instances of the given faceplate pane...
readonly attribute unsigned long paneCount
The number of registered faceplate panes.
Callback interface for faceplate event notification.
Manages the panes that are displayed in faceplate widgets.
void addListener(in sbIFaceplateManagerListener aListener)
Register to receive notification when panes are added, removed, and shown. Make sure you remove any l...
sbIFaceplatePane getDefaultPane()
Get the pane used in the most recent call to showPane. Used to determine what pane a faceplate should...
void showPane(in sbIFaceplatePane aPane)
Cause a faceplate pane to be created in all faceplates using the given XBL binding url...
void removeListener(in sbIFaceplateManagerListener aListener)
Unregister notification callbacks.
nsISimpleEnumerator getPanes()
Gets an enumerator for all instantiated faceplate panes.
Interface used to communicate with faceplate pane binding instances.