= [
{ text: "rel search discovered" },
{ rel: "SEARCH", text: "rel is case insensitive" },
{ rel: "-search-", pass: false, text: "rel -search- not discovered" },
{ rel: "foo bar baz search quux", text: "rel may contain additional rels separated by spaces" },
"https://not.mozilla.com", text:
"HTTPS ok" },
"ftp://not.mozilla.com", text:
"FTP ok" },
"data:text/foo,foo", pass:
false, text:
"data URI not permitted" },
"javascript:alert(0)", pass:
false, text:
"JS URI not permitted" },
{ type: "APPLICATION/OPENSEARCHDESCRIPTION+XML", text: "type is case insensitve" },
{ type: " application/opensearchdescription+xml ", text: "type may contain extra whitespace" },
{ type: "application/opensearchdescription+xml; charset=utf-8", text: "type may have optional parameters (RFC2046)" },
{ type: "aapplication/opensearchdescription+xml", pass: false, text: "type should not be loosely matched" },
{ rel:
"search search search",
count: 1, text:
"only one engine should be added" }