Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 //
4 //
5 // This file is part of the Songbird web player.
6 //
7 // Copyright(c) 2005-2008 POTI, Inc.
8 //
9 //
10 // This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
11 // GNU General Public License Version 2 (the "GPL").
12 //
13 // Software distributed under the License is distributed
14 // on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
15 // express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language
16 // governing rights and limitations.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this
19 // program. If not, go to
20 // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 //
24 //
25  */
27 /************************************************************************************
28  * Firefox Browser Compatibility Functions.
29  * See
30  ***********************************************************************************/
32 /*
33  * Songbird Dependencies:
34  * gBrowser
35  * About() in playerOpen.js
36  */
38 if (typeof(Ci) == "undefined")
39  var Ci = Components.interfaces;
40 if (typeof(Cc) == "undefined")
41  var Cc = Components.classes;
42 if (typeof(Cr) == "undefined")
43  var Cr = Components.results;
45 var gBidiUI = false;
47 function getBrowserURL()
48 {
49  throw("browserUtilities.js: : getBrowserURL() is not implemented in Songbird!");
50 }
52 function goToggleToolbar( id, elementID )
53 {
54  var toolbar = document.getElementById(id);
55  var element = document.getElementById(elementID);
56  if (toolbar)
57  {
58  var isHidden = toolbar.hidden;
59  toolbar.hidden = !isHidden;
60  document.persist(id, 'hidden');
61  if (element) {
62  element.setAttribute("checked", isHidden ? "true" : "false");
63  document.persist(elementID, 'checked');
64  }
65  }
66 }
68 function getTopWin()
69 {
70  var windowManager = Components.classes[';1']
71  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
72  return windowManager.getMostRecentWindow("Songbird:Main");
73 }
75 function openTopWin( url )
76 {
77  openUILink(url, {})
78 }
80 function getBoolPref ( prefname, def )
81 {
82  try {
83  var pref = Components.classes[";1"]
84  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
85  return pref.getBoolPref(prefname);
86  }
87  catch(er) {
88  return def;
89  }
90 }
92 // Change focus for this browser window to |aElement|, without focusing the
93 // window itself.
94 function focusElement(aElement) {
95  // This is a redo of the fix for jag bug 91884
96  var ww = Components.classes[";1"]
97  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);
98  if (window == ww.activeWindow)
99  aElement.focus();
100  else {
101  // set the element in command dispatcher so focus will restore properly
102  // when the window does become active
103  var cmdDispatcher = document.commandDispatcher;
104  if (aElement instanceof Window) {
105  cmdDispatcher.focusedWindow = aElement;
106  cmdDispatcher.focusedElement = null;
107  }
108  else if (aElement instanceof Element) {
109  cmdDispatcher.focusedWindow = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
110  cmdDispatcher.focusedElement = aElement;
111  }
112  }
113 }
115 // openUILink handles clicks on UI elements that cause URLs to load.
116 function openUILink( url, e, ignoreButton, ignoreAlt, allowKeywordFixup, postData, referrerUrl )
117 {
118  var where = whereToOpenLink(e, ignoreButton, ignoreAlt);
119  openUILinkIn(url, where, allowKeywordFixup, postData, referrerUrl);
120 }
123 /* whereToOpenLink() looks at an event to decide where to open a link.
124  *
125  * The event may be a mouse event (click, double-click, middle-click) or keypress event (enter).
126  *
127  * On Windows, the modifiers are:
128  * Ctrl new tab, selected
129  * Shift new window
130  * Ctrl+Shift new tab, in background
131  * Alt save
132  *
133  * You can swap Ctrl and Ctrl+shift by toggling the hidden pref
134  * browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInBackground (not browser.tabs.loadInBackground, which
135  * is for content area links).
136  *
137  * Middle-clicking is the same as Ctrl+clicking (it opens a new tab) and it is
138  * subject to the shift modifier and pref in the same way.
139  *
140  * Exceptions:
141  * - Alt is ignored for menu items selected using the keyboard so you don't accidentally save stuff.
142  * (Currently, the Alt isn't sent here at all for menu items, but that will change in bug 126189.)
143  * - Alt is hard to use in context menus, because pressing Alt closes the menu.
144  * - Alt can't be used on the bookmarks toolbar because Alt is used for "treat this as something draggable".
145  * - The button is ignored for the middle-click-paste-URL feature, since it's always a middle-click.
146  */
147 function whereToOpenLink( e, ignoreButton, ignoreAlt )
148 {
149  if (!e)
150  e = { shiftKey:false, ctrlKey:false, metaKey:false, altKey:false, button:0 };
152  var shift = e.shiftKey;
153  var ctrl = e.ctrlKey;
154  var meta = e.metaKey;
155  var alt = e.altKey && !ignoreAlt;
157  // ignoreButton allows "middle-click paste" to use function without always opening in a new window.
158  var middle = !ignoreButton && e.button == 1;
159  var middleUsesTabs = getBoolPref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick", true);
161  // Don't do anything special with right-mouse clicks. They're probably clicks on context menu items.
162  var sysInfo =
163  Components.classes[";1"]
164  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPropertyBag2);
165  var os = sysInfo.getProperty("name");
167  var modifier = (os == "Darwin") ? meta : ctrl;
168  if (modifier || (middle && middleUsesTabs)) {
169  if (shift)
170  return "tabshifted";
171  else
172  return "tab";
173  }
174  else if (alt) {
175  return "save";
176  }
177  else if (shift || (middle && !middleUsesTabs)) {
178  return "window";
179  }
180  else {
181  return "current";
182  }
183 }
185 /* openUILinkIn opens a URL in a place specified by the parameter |where|.
186  *
187  * |where| can be:
188  * "current" current tab (if there aren't any browser windows, then in a new window instead)
189  * "tab" new tab (if there aren't any browser windows, then in a new window instead)
190  * "tabshifted" same as "tab" but in background if default is to select new tabs, and vice versa
191  * "window" new window
192  * "save" save to disk (with no filename hint!)
193  *
194  * allowThirdPartyFixup controls whether third party services such as Google's
195  * I Feel Lucky are allowed to interpret this URL. This parameter may be
196  * undefined, which is treated as false.
197  */
198 function openUILinkIn( url, where, allowThirdPartyFixup, postData, referrerUrl )
199 {
200  if (!where || !url)
201  return;
203  if (where == "save") {
204  saveURL(url, null, null, true, null, referrerUrl);
205  return;
206  }
209  var w = getTopWin();
210  //if (!w || where == "window") {
211  // openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", url,
212  // null, referrerUrl, postData, allowThirdPartyFixup);
213  // return;
214  //}
215  if (where == "window") {
216  dump("browserUtilities.js.openUILinkIn() Warning: Songbird does not support where=window.\n");
217  }
220  var loadInBackground = getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInBackground", false);
222  var browser = w.gBrowser;
224  // Make sure we have a browser to talk to
225  // TODO: Look for other windows?
226  if (typeof(browser) == "undefined") {
227  dump("\n\n\nbrowserUtilities.openUILinkIn() Error: no browser available!\n\n\n");
228  return;
229  }
231  // Songbird defaults to tab
232  switch (where) {
233  case "current":
234  browser.loadURI(url, referrerUrl, postData, allowThirdPartyFixup);
235  break;
236  case "tabshifted":
237  loadInBackground = !loadInBackground;
238  // fall through
239  case "tab":
240  default:
241  browser.loadOneTab(url, referrerUrl, null, postData, loadInBackground,
242  allowThirdPartyFixup || false);
243  break;
244  }
246  // Call focusElement(w.content) instead of w.content.focus() to make sure
247  // that we don't raise the old window, since the URI we just loaded may have
248  // resulted in a new frontmost window (e.g. "'');").
249  focusElement(w.content);
250 }
252 // Used as an onclick handler for UI elements with link-like behavior.
253 // e.g. onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);"
255 {
256  // We should be using the disabled property here instead of the attribute,
257  // but some elements that this function is used with don't support it (e.g.
258  // menuitem).
259  if (node.getAttribute("disabled") == "true")
260  return; // Do nothing
262  if (event.button == 1) {
263  /* Execute the node's oncommand.
264  *
265  * XXX: we should use node.oncommand(event) once bug 246720 is fixed.
266  */
267  var fn = new Function("event", node.getAttribute("oncommand"));
268, event);
270  // If the middle-click was on part of a menu, close the menu.
271  // (Menus close automatically with left-click but not with middle-click.)
272  closeMenus(;
273  }
274 }
276 // Closes all popups that are ancestors of the node.
277 function closeMenus(node)
278 {
279  if ("tagName" in node) {
280  if (node.namespaceURI == ""
281  && (node.tagName == "menupopup" || node.tagName == "popup"))
282  node.hidePopup();
284  closeMenus(node.parentNode);
285  }
286 }
288 // Gather all descendent text under given document node.
289 function gatherTextUnder ( root )
290 {
291  var text = "";
292  var node = root.firstChild;
293  var depth = 1;
294  while ( node && depth > 0 ) {
295  // See if this node is text.
296  if ( node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
297  // Add this text to our collection.
298  text += " " +;
299  } else if ( node instanceof HTMLImageElement) {
300  // If it has an alt= attribute, use that.
301  var altText = node.getAttribute( "alt" );
302  if ( altText && altText != "" ) {
303  text = altText;
304  break;
305  }
306  }
307  // Find next node to test.
308  // First, see if this node has children.
309  if ( node.hasChildNodes() ) {
310  // Go to first child.
311  node = node.firstChild;
312  depth++;
313  } else {
314  // No children, try next sibling.
315  if ( node.nextSibling ) {
316  node = node.nextSibling;
317  } else {
318  // Last resort is our next oldest uncle/aunt.
319  node = node.parentNode.nextSibling;
320  depth--;
321  }
322  }
323  }
324  // Strip leading whitespace.
325  text = text.replace( /^\s+/, "" );
326  // Strip trailing whitespace.
327  text = text.replace( /\s+$/, "" );
328  // Compress remaining whitespace.
329  text = text.replace( /\s+/g, " " );
330  return text;
331 }
333 function getShellService()
334 {
335  var shell = null;
336  try {
337  shell = Components.classes[";1"]
338  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIShellService);
339  } catch (e) {dump("*** e = " + e + "\n");}
340  return shell;
341 }
343 function isBidiEnabled() {
344  var rv = false;
346  try {
347  var localeService = Components.classes[";1"]
348  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsILocaleService);
349  var systemLocale = localeService.getSystemLocale().getCategory("NSILOCALE_CTYPE").substr(0,3);
351  switch (systemLocale) {
352  case "ar-":
353  case "he-":
354  case "fa-":
355  case "ur-":
356  case "syr":
357  rv = true;
358  }
359  } catch (e) {}
361  // check the overriding pref
362  if (!rv)
363  rv = getBoolPref("bidi.browser.ui");
365  return rv;
366 }
369 function openAboutDialog()
370 {
371  // *sigh*
372  About();
373 }
375 function openPreferences(paneID)
376 {
377  SBOpenPreferences(paneID);
378 }
388 {
389  throw("browserUtilities.js: openReleaseNotes() is not implemented in Songbird!");
390 }
395 function checkForUpdates()
396 {
397  var um =
398  Components.classes[";1"].
399  getService(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateManager);
400  var prompter =
401  Components.classes[";1"].
402  createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdatePrompt);
404  // If there's an update ready to be applied, show the "Update Downloaded"
405  // UI instead and let the user know they have to restart the browser for
406  // the changes to be applied.
407  if (um.activeUpdate && um.activeUpdate.state == "pending")
408  prompter.showUpdateDownloaded(um.activeUpdate);
409  else
410  prompter.checkForUpdates();
411 }
413 function isElementVisible(aElement)
414 {
415  // * When an element is hidden, the width and height of its boxObject
416  // are set to 0
417  // * css-visibility (unlike css-display) is inherited.
418  var bo = aElement.boxObject;
419  return (bo.height != 0 && bo.width != 0 &&
420  document.defaultView
421  .getComputedStyle(aElement, null).visibility == "visible");
422 }
424 function getBrowserFromContentWindow(aContentWindow)
425 {
426  var browsers = gBrowser.browsers;
427  for (var i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) {
428  if (browsers[i].contentWindow == aContentWindow)
429  return browsers[i];
430  }
431  return null;
432 }
455 function openNewTabWith(aURL, aDocument, aPostData, aEvent,
456  aAllowThirdPartyFixup)
457 {
458  if (aDocument)
459  urlSecurityCheck(aURL, aDocument.nodePrincipal);
461  var prefSvc = Components.classes[";1"]
462  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
463  prefSvc = prefSvc.getBranch(null);
465  // should we open it in a new tab?
466  var loadInBackground = true;
467  try {
468  loadInBackground = prefSvc.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground");
469  }
470  catch(ex) {
471  }
473  if (aEvent && aEvent.shiftKey)
474  loadInBackground = !loadInBackground;
476  // TODO: Does Songbird need this?
478  // As in openNewWindowWith(), we want to pass the charset of the
479  // current document over to a new tab.
480  //var wintype = document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype");
481  var originCharset;
482  //if (wintype == "navigator:browser")
483  // originCharset = window.content.document.characterSet;
485  // open link in new tab
486  var referrerURI = aDocument ? aDocument.documentURIObject : null;
487  if (typeof(gBrowser) == "undefined") {
488  dump("\n\n\nbrowserUtilities.openNewTabWith() Error: no browser available!\n\n\n");
489  return;
490  }
491  gBrowser.loadOneTab(aURL, referrerURI, originCharset, aPostData,
492  loadInBackground, aAllowThirdPartyFixup || false);
493 }
495 function openNewWindowWith(aURL, aDocument, aPostData, aAllowThirdPartyFixup)
496 {
497  dump("\n\n\nbrowserUtilities.openNewWindowWith() Warning: Songbird does not support new windows.\n\n\n");
498 }
501 // From browser.js
502 function getBrowser()
503 {
504  return window.gBrowser;
505 }
507 // From browser.js
508 function loadURI(uri, referrer, postData, allowThirdPartyFixup)
509 {
510  try {
511  if (postData === undefined)
512  postData = null;
513  var flags = Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE;
514  if (allowThirdPartyFixup) {
515  flags = Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY_FIXUP;
516  }
517  getWebNavigation().loadURI(uri, flags, referrer, postData, null);
518  } catch (e) {
519  }
520 }
522 // From browser.js
524 {
525  try {
526  return gBrowser.selectedBrowser.webNavigation;
527  } catch (e) {
528  return null;
529  }
530 }
532 // From browser.js
533 function toOpenWindowByType(inType, uri, features)
534 {
535  const WM_CID = ";1";
536  const nsIWM = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator;
538  var windowManager = Components.classes[WM_CID].getService();
539  var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface(nsIWM);
540  var topWindow = windowManagerInterface.getMostRecentWindow(inType);
541  var winFeatures = features ? features : "chrome,extrachrome,menubar," +
542  "resizable,scrollbars,status," +
543  "toolbar";
545  if (topWindow)
546  topWindow.focus();
547  else
548, "_blank", winFeatures);
549 }
551 // From browser.js
552 function BrowserForward(aEvent, aIgnoreAlt)
553 {
554  var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, aIgnoreAlt);
556  if (where == "current") {
557  try {
558  getWebNavigation().goForward();
559  }
560  catch(ex) {
561  }
562  }
563  else {
564  var sessionHistory = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory;
565  var currentIndex = sessionHistory.index;
566  var entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(currentIndex + 1, false);
567  var url = entry.URI.spec;
568  openUILinkIn(url, where);
569  }
570 }
572 // From browser.js
573 function BrowserBack(aEvent, aIgnoreAlt)
574 {
575  var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, aIgnoreAlt);
577  if (where == "current") {
578  try {
579  getWebNavigation().goBack();
580  }
581  catch(ex) {
582  }
583  }
584  else {
585  var sessionHistory = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory;
586  var currentIndex = sessionHistory.index;
587  var entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(currentIndex - 1, false);
588  var url = entry.URI.spec;
589  openUILinkIn(url, where);
590  }
591 }
593 // From browser.js
594 function BrowserHomeClick(aEvent)
595 {
596  if (aEvent.button == 2) // right-click: do nothing
597  return;
599  var homePage = gBrowser.homePage;
600  var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true);
601  var urls;
603  // openUILinkIn in utilityOverlay.js doesn't handle loading multiple pages
604  switch (where) {
605  case "save":
606  urls = homePage.split("|");
607  saveURL(urls[0], null, null, true); // only save the first page
608  break;
609  case "current":
610  loadOneOrMoreURIs(homePage);
611  break;
612  case "tabshifted":
613  case "tab":
614  case "window": // because songbird does not support new browser windows
615  urls = homePage.split("|");
616  var loadInBackground = getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInBackground", false);
617  gBrowser.loadTabs(urls, loadInBackground);
618  break;
619  /* case "window":
620  OpenBrowserWindow();
621  break; */
622  }
623 }
625 // From browser.js
626 function loadOneOrMoreURIs(aURIString)
627 {
628  // This function throws for certain malformed URIs, so use exception handling
629  // so that we don't disrupt startup
630  try {
631  gBrowser.loadTabs(aURIString.split("|"), false, true);
632  }
633  catch (e) {
634  }
635 }
647 {
648  this.typeSniffer =
649  Components.classes[";1"]
650  .createInstance(Components.interfaces.sbIMediacoreTypeSniffer);
651  this.ios = Components.classes[";1"]
652  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
653 }
656 {
657  // Stored Status, Link and Loading values
658  status : "",
659  defaultStatus : "",
660  jsStatus : "",
661  jsDefaultStatus : "",
662  overLink : "",
663  statusText: "",
664  typeSniffer: null,
665  ios: null,
667  QueryInterface : function(aIID)
668  {
669  if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
670  aIID.equals(Ci.nsIWebProgressListener2) ||
671  aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
672  aIID.equals(Ci.nsIXULBrowserWindow) ||
673  aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
674  return this;
675  throw Cr.NS_NOINTERFACE;
676  },
678  setJSStatus : function(status)
679  {
680  this.jsStatus = status;
681  this.updateStatusField();
682  },
684  setJSDefaultStatus : function(status)
685  {
686  this.jsDefaultStatus = status;
687  this.updateStatusField();
688  },
690  setDefaultStatus : function(status)
691  {
692  this.defaultStatus = status;
693  this.updateStatusField();
694  },
696  setOverLink : function(link, b)
697  {
698  // Encode bidirectional formatting characters.
699  // (RFC 3987 sections 3.2 and 4.1 paragraph 6)
700  this.overLink = link.replace(/[\u200e\u200f\u202a\u202b\u202c\u202d\u202e]/g,
702  this.updateStatusField();
703  },
705  updateStatusField : function()
706  {
707  var text = this.overLink || this.status || this.jsStatus || this.jsDefaultStatus || this.defaultStatus;
709  // check the current value so we don't trigger an attribute change
710  // and cause needless (slow!) UI updates
711  if (this.statusText != text) {
712  SBDataSetStringValue( "faceplate.status.text", text);
714  if (this.overLink) {
715  var uri = null;
716  try {
717  uri = this.ios.newURI(this.overLink, null, null);
718  } catch (ex) {}
720  if (uri && (this.typeSniffer.isValidMediaURL(uri) ||
721  this.typeSniffer.isValidPlaylistURL(uri))) {
722  SBDataSetStringValue( "faceplate.status.type", "playable");
723  } else {
724  SBDataSetStringValue( "faceplate.status.type", "normal");
725  }
726  }
728  this.statusText = text;
729  }
730  }
731 }
733 // initialize observers and listeners
734 // and give C++ access to gBrowser
735 window.XULBrowserWindow = new nsBrowserStatusHandler();
736 window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
737  .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
738  .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem).treeOwner
739  .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
740  .getInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow)
741  .XULBrowserWindow = window.XULBrowserWindow;
744 function makeURLAbsolute(aBase, aUrl)
745 {
746  // Note: makeURI() will throw if aUri is not a valid URI
747  return makeURI(aUrl, null, makeURI(aBase)).spec;
748 }
750 function getBrowserSelection(aCharLen) {
751  // selections of more than 150 characters aren't useful
752  const kMaxSelectionLen = 150;
753  const charLen = Math.min(aCharLen || kMaxSelectionLen, kMaxSelectionLen);
755  var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow;
756  var selection = focusedWindow.getSelection().toString();
758  if (selection) {
759  if (selection.length > charLen) {
760  // only use the first charLen important chars. see bug 221361
761  var pattern = new RegExp("^(?:\\s*.){0," + charLen + "}");
762  pattern.test(selection);
763  selection = RegExp.lastMatch;
764  }
766  selection = selection.replace(/^\s+/, "")
767  .replace(/\s+$/, "")
768  .replace(/\s+/g, " ");
770  if (selection.length > charLen)
771  selection = selection.substr(0, charLen);
772  }
773  return selection;
774 }
776 function mimeTypeIsTextBased(aMimeType)
777 {
778  return /^text\/|\+xml$/.test(aMimeType) ||
779  aMimeType == "application/x-javascript" ||
780  aMimeType == "application/javascript" ||
781  aMimeType == "application/xml" ||
782  aMimeType == "mozilla.application/cached-xul";
783 }
785 function BrowserReload()
786 {
787  const reloadFlags = nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE;
788  return BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags);
789 }
792 {
793  // Bypass proxy and cache.
794  const reloadFlags = nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY | nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE;
795  return BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags);
796 }
798 function BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags)
799 {
800  /* First, we'll try to use the session history object to reload so
801  * that framesets are handled properly. If we're in a special
802  * window (such as view-source) that has no session history, fall
803  * back on using the web navigation's reload method.
804  */
806  var webNav = getWebNavigation();
807  try {
808  var sh = webNav.sessionHistory;
809  if (sh)
810  webNav = sh.QueryInterface(nsIWebNavigation);
811  } catch (e) {
812  }
814  try {
815  webNav.reload(reloadFlags);
816  } catch (e) {
817  }
818 }
820 function formatURL(aFormat, aIsPref) {
821  var formatter = Cc[";1"]
822  .getService(Ci.nsIURLFormatter);
823  return aIsPref ?
824  formatter.formatURLPref(aFormat) : formatter.formatURL(aFormat);
825 }
828 {
829  evt.stopPropagation();
830  switch (evt.command) {
831  case "Back":
832  gBrowser.goBack();
833  break;
834  case "Forward":
835  gBrowser.goForward();
836  break;
837  case "Reload":
839  break;
840  case "Stop":
841  gBrowser.stop();
842  break;
843  case "Search":
844  BrowserSearch.webSearch();
845  break;
846  case "Home":
847  gBrowser.goHome();
848  break;
849  default:
850  break;
851  }
852 }
869 function FillInHTMLTooltip(tipElement)
870 {
871  var retVal = false;
872  if (tipElement.namespaceURI == "")
873  return retVal;
875  const XLinkNS = "";
878  var titleText = null;
879  var XLinkTitleText = null;
880  var direction = tipElement.ownerDocument.dir;
882  while (!titleText && !XLinkTitleText && tipElement) {
883  if (tipElement.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
884  titleText = tipElement.getAttribute("title");
885  XLinkTitleText = tipElement.getAttributeNS(XLinkNS, "title");
886  var defView = tipElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
887  // XXX Work around bug 350679:
888  // "Tooltips can be fired in documents with no view".
889  if (!defView)
890  return retVal;
891  direction = defView.getComputedStyle(tipElement, "")
892  .getPropertyValue("direction");
893  }
894  tipElement = tipElement.parentNode;
895  }
897  var tipNode = document.getElementById("aHTMLTooltip");
898 = direction;
900  for each (var t in [titleText, XLinkTitleText]) {
901  if (t && /\S/.test(t)) {
903  // Per HTML 4.01 6.2 (CDATA section), literal CRs and tabs should be
904  // replaced with spaces, and LFs should be removed entirely.
905  // XXX Bug 322270: We don't preserve the result of entities like &#13;,
906  // which should result in a line break in the tooltip, because we can't
907  // distinguish that from a literal character in the source by this point.
908  t = t.replace(/[\r\t]/g, ' ');
909  t = t.replace(/\n/g, '');
911  tipNode.setAttribute("label", t);
912  retVal = true;
913  }
914  }
916  return retVal;
917 }
923  window.removeEventListener("load", onInitBrowserUtilities, false);
924  window.addEventListener("unload", onShutdownBrowserUtilities, false);
925  gNavigatorBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_browser");
926  var gPrefService = Components.classes[";1"]
927  .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2);
928  gBidiUI = isBidiEnabled();
930  window.addEventListener("AppCommand", HandleAppCommandEvent, true);
931 }
934  window.removeEventListener("unload", onShutdownBrowserUtilities, false);
935  window.removeEventListener("AppCommand", HandleAppCommandEvent, true);
936 }
938 window.addEventListener("load", onInitBrowserUtilities, false);
940 // Function from Mozilla's browser.js. Accel + #1 through 8 will send it to
941 // that tab. Accel + 9 always sends it to the last tab.
943  if (index == 8) {
944  index = gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
945  } else if (index >= gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length) {
946  return;
947  }
949  var oldTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
950  var newTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes[index];
951  if (newTab != oldTab) {
952  gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
953  }
955  event.preventDefault();
956  event.stopPropagation();
957 }
960 {
961  switch (Application.prefs.getValue("browser.backspace_action", 2)) {
962  case 0:
963  gBrowser.goBack();
964  break;
965  case 1:
966  goDoCommand("cmd_scrollPageUp");
967  break;
968  }
969 }
972 {
973  switch (Application.prefs.getValue("browser.backspace_action", 2)) {
974  case 0:
975  gBrowser.goForward();
976  break;
977  case 1:
978  goDoCommand("cmd_scrollPageDown");
979  break;
980  }
981 }
function BrowserHomeClick(aEvent)
classDescription entry
Definition: FeedWriter.js:1427
let prefSvc
function closeMenus(node)
const Cc
function checkForUpdates()
function getBrowserSelection(aCharLen)
var gPrefService
function FillInHTMLTooltip(tipElement)
nsString encodeURIComponent(const nsString &c)
function BrowserReload()
var Application
Definition: sbAboutDRM.js:37
var pref
Definition: openLocation.js:44
window QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem).treeOwner.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow).XULBrowserWindow
function BrowserReloadSkipCache()
function getBoolPref(prefname, def)
function gatherTextUnder(root)
function getWebNavigation()
sbDeviceFirmwareAutoCheckForUpdate prototype flags
function mimeTypeIsTextBased(aMimeType)
function BrowserBack(aEvent, aIgnoreAlt)
function isBidiEnabled()
function BrowserHandleShiftBackspace()
var event
function HandleAppCommandEvent(evt)
function getBrowser()
function makeURLAbsolute(aBase, aUrl)
function openAboutDialog()
var Element
sidebarFactory createInstance
Definition: nsSidebar.js:351
function loadURI(uri, referrer, postData, allowThirdPartyFixup)
let window
function BrowserNumberTabSelection(event, index)
var t
function loadOneOrMoreURIs(aURIString)
_collectFormDataForFrame aDocument
var gBidiUI
const nsIWebNavigation
Definition: browser.js:71
function makeURI(aURLSpec, aCharset)
Definition: FeedWriter.js:71
function openUILink(url, e, ignoreButton, ignoreAlt, allowKeywordFixup, postData, referrerUrl)
return e ctrlKey(chr<' '||!chars||chars.indexOf(chr)>-1)
function formatURL(aFormat, aIsPref)
function onInitBrowserUtilities()
function BrowserForward(aEvent, aIgnoreAlt)
function getBrowserURL()
function openPreferences(paneID)
function BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags)
function checkForMiddleClick(node, event)
var Window
return null
Definition: FeedWriter.js:1143
function onShutdownBrowserUtilities()
function openReleaseNotes(event)
let node
var os
function BrowserHandleBackspace()
var uri
Definition: FeedWriter.js:1135
function url(spec)
const XLinkNS
Definition: pageInfo.js:219
function openNewWindowWith(aURL, aDocument, aPostData, aAllowThirdPartyFixup)
const Cr
function openTopWin(url)
function goToggleToolbar(id, elementID)
const Ci
var gNavigatorBundle
function openNewTabWith(aURL, aDocument, aPostData, aEvent, aAllowThirdPartyFixup)
function getBrowserFromContentWindow(aContentWindow)
var ios
Definition: head_feeds.js:5
function getTopWin()
function nsBrowserStatusHandler()
function SBDataSetStringValue(aKey, aStringValue)
Set a string value. Changes the value of the data remote to the boolean passed in, regardless of its value before.
function openUILinkIn(url, where, allowThirdPartyFixup, postData, referrerUrl)
var browser
Definition: openLocation.js:42
function getShellService()
function isElementVisible(aElement)
jQuery fn
_getSelectedPageStyle s i
function whereToOpenLink(e, ignoreButton, ignoreAlt)
function focusElement(aElement)
function toOpenWindowByType(inType, uri, features)