#include <sbCDDevice.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual | ~sbCDDevice () |
virtual nsresult | InitDevice () |
virtual PRBool | IsRequestAborted () |
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NS_IMETHOD | Connect () |
NS_IMETHOD | Disconnect () |
NS_IMETHOD | GetPreference (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant **_retval) |
NS_IMETHOD | SetPreference (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetIsDirectTranscoding (PRBool *aIsDirect) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetIsBusy (PRBool *aIsBusy) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetCanDisconnect (PRBool *aCanDisconnect) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetState (PRUint32 *aState) |
NS_IMETHOD | SetState (PRUint32 aState) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetPreviousState (PRUint32 *aState) |
NS_IMETHOD | SyncLibraries (void) |
NS_IMETHOD | Eject (void) |
NS_IMETHOD | Format (void) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetSupportsReformat (PRBool *_retval) |
NS_IMETHOD | SupportsMediaItem (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, sbIDeviceSupportsItemCallback *aCallback) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetDefaultLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary **aDefaultLibrary) |
NS_IMETHOD | SetDefaultLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDefaultLibrary) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetPrimaryLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary **aPrimaryLibrary) |
NS_IMETHOD | SubmitRequest (PRUint32 aRequest, nsIPropertyBag2 *aRequestParameters) |
NS_IMETHOD | CancelRequests () |
NS_IMETHOD | ImportFromDevice (sbILibrary *aImportToLibrary, sbILibraryChangeset *aImportChangeset) |
NS_IMETHOD | ExportToDevice (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLibrary, sbILibraryChangeset *aChangeset) |
sbBaseDevice () | |
virtual | ~sbBaseDevice () |
nsresult | PushRequest (const PRUint32 aType, sbIMediaItem *aItem=nsnull, sbIMediaList *aList=nsnull, PRUint32 aIndex=PR_UINT32_MAX, PRUint32 aOtherIndex=PR_UINT32_MAX, nsISupports *aData=nsnull) |
nsresult | BatchBegin () |
nsresult | BatchEnd () |
nsresult | ClearRequests () |
nsresult | GetRequestTemporaryFileFactory (TransferRequest *aRequest, sbITemporaryFileFactory **aTemporaryFileFactory) |
nsresult | DownloadRequestItem (TransferRequest *aRequest, PRUint32 aBatchCount, sbDeviceStatusHelper *aDeviceStatusHelper) |
nsresult | SetPreferenceInternal (nsIPrefBranch *aPrefBranch, const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue, PRBool *aHasChanged) |
nsresult | HasPreference (nsAString &aPrefName, PRBool *aHasPreference) |
nsresult | SetPreviousState (PRUint32 aState) |
nsresult | CreateDeviceLibrary (const nsAString &aId, nsIURI *aLibraryLocation, sbIDeviceLibrary **_retval) |
nsresult | InitializeDeviceLibrary (sbDeviceLibrary *aDevLib, const nsAString &aId, nsIURI *aLibraryLocation) |
nsresult | InitializeDeviceLibraryPreferences (sbDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
void | FinalizeDeviceLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
nsresult | AddLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
nsresult | RemoveLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
nsresult | UpdateLibraryProperty (sbILibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aPropertyID, const nsAString &aPropertyValue) |
nsresult | UpdateDefaultLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
virtual nsresult | OnDefaultLibraryChanged () |
nsresult | ListenToList (sbIMediaList *aList) |
nsresult | SetIgnoreMediaListListeners (PRBool aIgnoreListener) |
nsresult | SetIgnoreLibraryListener (PRBool aIgnoreListener) |
nsresult | SetMediaListsHidden (sbIMediaList *aLibrary, PRBool aHidden) |
nsresult | IgnoreMediaItem (sbIMediaItem *aItem) |
nsresult | UnignoreMediaItem (sbIMediaItem *aItem) |
nsresult | DeleteItem (sbIMediaList *aLibrary, sbIMediaItem *aItem) |
virtual nsresult | GetItemContentType (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, PRUint32 *aContentType) |
nsresult | UpdateOriginAndContentSrc (TransferRequest *aRequest, nsIURI *aURI) |
nsresult | CreateTransferRequest (PRUint32 aRequestType, nsIPropertyBag2 *aRequestParameters, TransferRequest **aTransferRequest) |
nsresult | CreateAndDispatchEvent (PRUint32 aType, nsIVariant *aData, PRBool aAsync=PR_TRUE, sbIDeviceEventTarget *aTarget=nsnull) |
nsresult | CreateAndDispatchDeviceManagerEvent (PRUint32 aType, nsIVariant *aData, PRBool aAsync=PR_TRUE) |
nsresult | RegenerateMediaURL (sbIMediaItem *aItem, nsIURI **_retval) |
nsresult | CreateUniqueMediaFile (nsIURI *aFileURI, nsIFile **aUniqueFile, nsIURI **aUniqueFileURI) |
nsresult | ReqProcessingStart () |
nsresult | ReqProcessingStop (nsIRunnable *aShutdownAction) |
bool | CheckAndResetRequestAbort () |
bool | GetEnsureSpaceChecked () const |
void | SetEnsureSpaceChecked (bool aChecked) |
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD | SetWarningDialogEnabled (const nsAString &aWarning, PRBool aEnabled) |
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD | GetWarningDialogEnabled (const nsAString &aWarning, PRBool *_retval) |
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD | ResetWarningDialogs (void) |
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD | OpenInputStream (nsIURI *aURI, nsIInputStream **retval) |
sbDeviceTranscoding * | GetDeviceTranscoding () const |
PRLock * | StateLock () |
PRUint32 | GetDeviceState () |
sbDeviceImages * | GetDeviceImages () const |
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void | connect () |
void | disconnect () |
nsIVariant | getPreference (in AString aPrefName) |
void | setPreference (in AString aPrefName, in nsIVariant aPrefValue) |
void | submitRequest (in unsigned long aRequest, in nsIPropertyBag2 aRequestParameters) |
void | cancelRequests () |
void | syncLibraries () |
void | supportsMediaItem (in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem, in sbIDeviceSupportsItemCallback aCallback) |
void | eject () |
void | format () |
void | setWarningDialogEnabled (in AString aWarning, in boolean aEnabled) |
boolean | getWarningDialogEnabled (in AString aWarning) |
void | resetWarningDialogs () |
nsIInputStream | openInputStream (in nsIURI aURI) |
Open an input stream for the URI specified by aURI. The URI may be a generic device URI of the form "x-device:///<device-guid>/<device-library-guid>/path/to/file". Such URI's specify the target device with <device-guid> and the storage volume using the volume's device library with the guid <device-library-guid>. Different device types may also accept device type specific URI's. More... | |
void | importFromDevice (in sbILibrary aImportToLibrary, in sbILibraryChangeset aImportChangeset) |
void | exportToDevice (in sbIDeviceLibrary aDevLibrary, in sbILibraryChangeset aExportChangeset) |
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sbBaseDeviceEventTarget () | |
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boolean | dispatchEvent (in sbIDeviceEvent aEvent, [optional] in PRBool aAsync) |
void | addEventListener (in sbIDeviceEventListener aListener) |
void | removeEventListener (in sbIDeviceEventListener aListener) |
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void | onJobProgress (in sbIJobProgress aJobProgress) |
Notification that an object implementing sbIJobProgress has changed. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static nsresult | New (const nsID &aControllerId, nsIPropertyBag *aProperties, sbCDDevice **aOutCDDevice) |
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static | NS_HIDDEN_ (PLDHashOperator) EnumerateFinalizeMediaListListeners(nsISupports *aKey |
static | NS_HIDDEN_ (PLDHashOperator) EnumerateIgnoreMediaListListeners(nsISupports *aKey |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef sbRequestThreadQueue::Batch | Batch |
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static nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceMediaListListener > & | aData |
static nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceMediaListListener > void * | aClosure |
static nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceMediaListListener > | aData |
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readonly attribute AString | name |
readonly attribute AString | productName |
readonly attribute nsIDPtr | controllerId |
readonly attribute nsIDPtr | id |
readonly attribute boolean | connected |
readonly attribute boolean | threaded |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceCapabilities | capabilities |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceContent | content |
attribute sbIDeviceLibrary | defaultLibrary |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceLibrary | primaryLibrary |
readonly attribute nsIPropertyBag2 | parameters |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceProperties | properties |
readonly attribute boolean | isDirectTranscoding |
readonly attribute boolean | isBusy |
readonly attribute boolean | canDisconnect |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceStatus | currentStatus |
readonly attribute boolean | supportsReformat |
attribute unsigned long | state |
readonly attribute unsigned long | previousState |
const unsigned long | STATE_IDLE = 0 |
const unsigned long | STATE_SYNCING = 1 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPYING = 2 |
const unsigned long | STATE_DELETING = 3 |
const unsigned long | STATE_UPDATING = 4 |
const unsigned long | STATE_MOUNTING = 5 |
const unsigned long | STATE_DOWNLOADING = 6 |
const unsigned long | STATE_UPLOADING = 7 |
const unsigned long | STATE_DOWNLOAD_PAUSED = 8 |
const unsigned long | STATE_UPLOAD_PAUSED = 9 |
const unsigned long | STATE_DISCONNECTED = 10 |
const unsigned long | STATE_BUSY = 11 |
const unsigned long | STATE_CANCEL = 12 |
const unsigned long | STATE_TRANSCODE = 13 |
const unsigned long | STATE_FORMATTING = 14 |
const unsigned long | STATE_SYNC_PREPARING = 15 |
const unsigned long | STATE_SYNC_PLAYLIST = 16 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPY_PREPARING = 17 |
const unsigned long | STATE_SYNCING_TYPE = 18 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPYING_MUSIC = 19 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPYING_VIDEO = 20 |
const unsigned long | STATE_IMAGESYNC_PREPARING = 21 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPYING_IMAGE = 22 |
const unsigned long | STATE_USER = 0x20000000 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FLAG_USER = 0x80000000 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE = 0x40000000 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FLAG_READ = 0x20000000 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_MOUNT = REQUEST_FLAG_READ + 1 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_READ = REQUEST_FLAG_READ + 2 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_EJECT = REQUEST_FLAG_READ + 3 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_SUSPEND = REQUEST_FLAG_READ + 4 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_WRITE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 1 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_DELETE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 2 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_SYNC = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 3 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_WIPE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 4 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_MOVE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 5 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_UPDATE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 6 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_NEW_PLAYLIST = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 7 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FACTORY_RESET = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 8 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FORMAT = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 9 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_IMAGESYNC = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 10 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_WRITE_FILE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 11 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_DELETE_FILE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 12 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_SYNC_COMPLETE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 13 |
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nsresult | Init () |
virtual nsresult | ChangeState (PRUint32 aState) |
nsresult | EnsureSpaceForWrite (sbILibraryChangeset *aChangeset, sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLibrary) |
nsresult | WaitForBatchEnd () |
void | WaitForBatchEndCallback () |
nsresult | GetMusicFreeSpace (sbILibrary *aLibrary, PRInt64 *aFreeMusicSpace) |
nsresult | GetMusicAvailableSpace (sbILibrary *aLibrary, PRInt64 *aMusicAvailableSpace) |
nsresult | SupportsMediaItem (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, sbDeviceSupportsItemHelper *aCallback, PRBool aReportErrors, PRBool *_retval) |
nsresult | UpdateStreamingItemSupported (Batch &aBatch) |
virtual nsresult | SupportsMediaItemDRM (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, PRBool aReportErrors, PRBool *_retval) |
nsresult | AddVolume (sbBaseDeviceVolume *aVolume) |
nsresult | RemoveVolume (sbBaseDeviceVolume *aVolume) |
nsresult | GetVolumeForItem (sbIMediaItem *aItem, sbBaseDeviceVolume **aVolume) |
virtual nsresult | GetDeviceSettingsDocument (class nsIDOMDocument **aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
nsresult | GetDeviceSettingsDocument (nsIFile *aDeviceSettingsFile, class nsIDOMDocument **aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
nsresult | GetDeviceSettingsDocument (nsTArray< PRUint8 > &aDeviceSettingsContent, class nsIDOMDocument **aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsDocument () |
virtual nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettings (class nsIDOMDocument *aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsToProperty (class nsIDOMDocument *aDeviceSettingsDocument, const nsAString &aPropertyName) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsToProperty (const nsAString &aPropertyName, nsIVariant *aPropertyValue) |
nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsDeviceInfo (class nsIDOMDocument *aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsToCapabilities (class nsIDOMDocument *aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
virtual nsresult | UpdateProperties () |
virtual nsresult | UpdateProperty (const nsAString &aName) |
virtual nsresult | UpdateStatisticsProperties () |
nsresult | UpdateVolumeNames () |
virtual nsresult | UpdateVolumeName (sbBaseDeviceVolume *aVolume) |
nsresult | GetPrefBranchRoot (nsACString &aRoot) |
nsresult | GetPrefBranch (nsIPrefBranch **aPrefBranch) |
nsresult | GetPrefBranch (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, nsIPrefBranch **aPrefBranch) |
nsresult | GetPrefBranch (const char *aPrefBranchName, nsIPrefBranch **aPrefBranch) |
nsresult | GetPreferenceInternal (nsIPrefBranch *aPrefBranch, const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant **_retval) |
nsresult | SetPreferenceInternal (nsIPrefBranch *aPrefBranch, const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
nsresult | SetPreferenceInternalNoNotify (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue, PRBool *aPrefChanged) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyPreference (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
PRBool | GetIsLibraryPreference (const nsAString &aPrefName) |
nsresult | GetPreferenceLibrary (const nsAString &aPrefName, sbIDeviceLibrary **aLibrary, nsAString &aLibraryPrefBase) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreference (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefName, nsIVariant **aPrefValue) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreference (const nsAString &aLibraryPrefBase, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefName, nsIVariant **aPrefValue) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyLibraryPreference (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyLibraryOrganizePreference (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefName, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefBase, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreferenceName (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsAString &aLibraryPrefName) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreferenceName (const nsAString &aPrefName, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefBase, nsAString &aLibraryPrefName) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreferenceBase (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, nsAString &aPrefBase) |
nsresult | GetCapabilitiesPreference (nsIVariant **aCapabilities) |
nsresult | GetLocalDeviceDir (nsIFile **aLocalDeviceDir) |
nsresult | SendSyncCompleteRequest () |
nsresult | HandleSyncRequest (TransferRequest *aRequest) |
nsresult | HandleSyncCompletedRequest (TransferRequest *aRequest) |
nsresult | EnsureSpaceForSync (sbILibraryChangeset *aChangeset, PRBool *aCapacityExceeded, PRBool *aAbort) |
nsresult | SyncCreateAndSyncToList (sbILibrary *aSrcLib, sbIDeviceLibrary *aDstLib, PRInt64 aAvailableSpace) |
nsresult | SyncCreateSyncMediaList (sbILibrary *aSrcLib, sbIDeviceLibrary *aDstLib, PRInt64 aAvailableSpace, sbIMediaList **aSyncMediaList) |
nsresult | SyncToMediaList (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDstLib, sbIMediaList *aMediaList) |
PRInt64 | GetChangeSize (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDestLibrary, sbILibraryChange *aChange) |
nsresult | SyncGetSyncItemSizes (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDestLibrary, sbILibraryChangeset *aChangeset, PRInt64 aAvailableSpace, PRUint32 &aLastChangeThatFit, PRInt64 &aTotalSyncSize) |
nsresult | SyncGetSyncAvailableSpace (sbILibrary *aLibrary, PRInt64 *aAvailableSpace) |
nsresult | SyncProduceChangeset (TransferRequest *aRequest, sbILibraryChangeset **aExportChangeset, sbILibraryChangeset **aImportChangeset) |
nsresult | SyncMainLibraryFlag (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem) |
nsresult | PromptForEjectDuringPlayback (PRBool *aEject) |
virtual nsresult | UpdateMediaFolders () |
nsresult | GetDeviceWriteDestURI (sbIMediaItem *aWriteDstItem, nsIURI *aContentSrcBaseURI, nsIURI *aWriteSrcURI, nsIURI **aDestinationURI) |
nsresult | ListenToMediaLists (sbILibrary *aLibrary) |
nsresult | SetupDevice () |
nsresult | DeferredSetupDevice () |
nsresult | RegisterDeviceInfo () |
nsresult | RegisterDeviceCapabilities (sbIDeviceCapabilities *aCapabilities) |
nsresult | ProcessInfoRegistrars () |
nsresult | GetDeviceTranscodingProperty (PRUint32 aTranscodeType, const nsAString &aPropertyName, nsIVariant **aPropertyValue) |
nsresult | DispatchTranscodeErrorEvent (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, const nsAString &aErrorMessage) |
nsresult | GetSupportedAlbumArtFormats (nsIArray **aFormats) |
nsresult | GetShouldLimitMusicSpace (const nsAString &aPrefBase, PRBool *aOutShouldLimitSpace) |
nsresult | GetMusicLimitSpacePercent (const nsAString &aPrefBase, PRUint32 *aOutLimitPercentage) |
template<class T > | |
nsresult | RemoveLibraryItems (T iter, T end) |
nsresult | GetNameBase (nsAString &aName) |
nsresult | GetProductNameBase (char const *aDefaultModelNumberString, nsAString &aProductName) |
nsresult | IgnoreWatchFolderPath (nsIURI *aURI, sbAutoIgnoreWatchFolderPath **aIgnorePath) |
void | LogDeviceFolders () |
nsresult | GetExcludedFolders (nsTArray< nsString > &aExcludedFolders) |
nsresult | UpdateMediaLists (nsIArray *aMediaLists) |
nsresult | AddMediaLists (sbILibrary *aLibrary, nsIArray *aMediaLists) |
nsresult | CopyChangedMediaItemsToMediaList (sbILibraryChange *aChange, sbIMediaList *aMediaList) |
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virtual | ~sbBaseDeviceEventTarget () |
nsresult | DispatchEventInternal (nsCOMPtr< sbIDeviceEvent > aEvent) |
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static void | WaitForBatchEndCallback (nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure) |
static void | DeferredSetupDevice (nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure) |
static PLDHashOperator | RemoveLibraryEnumerator (nsISupports *aList, nsCOMPtr< nsIMutableArray > &aItems, void *aUserArg) |
static PLDHashOperator | LogDeviceFoldersEnum (const unsigned int &aKey, nsString *aData, void *aUserArg) |
static nsresult | GetImportSettings (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLibrary, PRBool *aImportAudio, PRBool *aImportVideo) |
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PRLock * | mStateLock |
PRUint32 | mState |
PRLock * | mPreviousStateLock |
PRUint32 | mPreviousState |
PRInt32 | mIgnoreMediaListCount |
PRUint32 | mPerTrackOverhead |
nsAutoPtr< sbDeviceStatusHelper > | mStatus |
nsCOMPtr< sbIDeviceLibrary > | mDefaultLibrary |
nsCOMPtr< sbILibrary > | mMainLibrary |
nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceLibraryListener > | mLibraryListener |
nsRefPtr < sbDeviceBaseLibraryCopyListener > | mLibraryCopyListener |
nsDataHashtableMT < nsISupportsHashKey, nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceMediaListListener > > | mMediaListListeners |
nsCOMPtr< sbIDeviceInfoRegistrar > | mInfoRegistrar |
PRUint32 | mInfoRegistrarType |
nsCOMPtr< sbIDeviceCapabilities > | mCapabilities |
PRLock * | mPreferenceLock |
PRUint32 | mMusicLimitPercent |
sbDeviceTranscoding * | mDeviceTranscoding |
sbDeviceImages * | mDeviceImages |
PRUint32 | mCanTranscodeAudio |
PRUint32 | mCanTranscodeVideo |
PRUint32 | mSyncType |
bool | mEnsureSpaceChecked |
PRRWLock * | mConnectLock |
PRBool | mConnected |
nsCOMPtr< nsITimer > | mDeferredSetupDeviceTimer |
nsRefPtr < sbDeviceRequestThreadQueue > | mRequestThreadQueue |
nsClassHashtableMT < nsIDHashKey, OrganizeData > | mOrganizeLibraryPrefs |
nsClassHashtable < nsUint32HashKey, nsString > | mMediaFolderURLTable |
nsDataHashtableMT < nsStringHashKey, PRBool > | mTrackSourceTable |
PRLock * | mVolumeLock |
nsTArray< nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceVolume > > | mVolumeList |
nsInterfaceHashtableMT < nsStringHashKey, sbBaseDeviceVolume > | mVolumeGUIDTable |
nsInterfaceHashtableMT < nsStringHashKey, sbBaseDeviceVolume > | mVolumeLibraryGUIDTable |
nsRefPtr< sbBaseDeviceVolume > | mPrimaryVolume |
nsRefPtr< sbBaseDeviceVolume > | mDefaultVolume |
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nsCOMArray < sbIDeviceEventListener > | mListeners |
nsDeque | mStates |
nsCOMPtr< nsIWeakReference > | mParentEventTarget |
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static const PRUint32 | DEFAULT_PER_TRACK_OVERHEAD = 10000 |
static const PRUint32 | SYNC_PLAYLIST_AVAILABLE_PCT = 95 |
static const PRUint32 | DEFER_DEVICE_SETUP_DELAY = 2000 |
This class provides the core CD device implementation Each instance represents a physical device.
Definition at line 135 of file sbCDDevice.h.
sbIDeviceEventTarget sbCDDevice::sbCDDevice | ( | const nsID & | aControllerId, |
nsIPropertyBag * | aProperties | ||
) |
Initializes the default values for the device object
Definition at line 83 of file sbCDDevice.cpp.
virtual |
Performs any final cleanup.
Definition at line 99 of file sbCDDevice.cpp.
virtual |
Initializes the device object for a specific device
Reimplemented from sbBaseDevice.
Definition at line 169 of file sbCDDevice.cpp.
virtual |
Returns true if the request has been aborted or the device is disconnected. This calls CheckAndResetAbort and so once this is called the caller should not call this again for the current request if it returns true
Reimplemented from sbBaseDevice.
Definition at line 979 of file sbCDDevice.cpp.
static |
Create a new CD device.
Definition at line 259 of file sbCDDevice.cpp.