#include <sbMockDevice.h>
Public Member Functions | |
sbMockDevice () | |
nsresult | ProcessBatch (Batch &aBatch) |
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NS_IMETHOD | Connect () |
NS_IMETHOD | Disconnect () |
NS_IMETHOD | GetPreference (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant **_retval) |
NS_IMETHOD | SetPreference (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetIsDirectTranscoding (PRBool *aIsDirect) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetIsBusy (PRBool *aIsBusy) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetCanDisconnect (PRBool *aCanDisconnect) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetState (PRUint32 *aState) |
NS_IMETHOD | SetState (PRUint32 aState) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetPreviousState (PRUint32 *aState) |
NS_IMETHOD | SyncLibraries (void) |
NS_IMETHOD | Eject (void) |
NS_IMETHOD | Format (void) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetSupportsReformat (PRBool *_retval) |
NS_IMETHOD | SupportsMediaItem (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, sbIDeviceSupportsItemCallback *aCallback) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetDefaultLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary **aDefaultLibrary) |
NS_IMETHOD | SetDefaultLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDefaultLibrary) |
NS_IMETHOD | GetPrimaryLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary **aPrimaryLibrary) |
NS_IMETHOD | SubmitRequest (PRUint32 aRequest, nsIPropertyBag2 *aRequestParameters) |
NS_IMETHOD | CancelRequests () |
NS_IMETHOD | ImportFromDevice (sbILibrary *aImportToLibrary, sbILibraryChangeset *aImportChangeset) |
NS_IMETHOD | ExportToDevice (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLibrary, sbILibraryChangeset *aChangeset) |
sbBaseDevice () | |
virtual | ~sbBaseDevice () |
nsresult | PushRequest (const PRUint32 aType, sbIMediaItem *aItem=nsnull, sbIMediaList *aList=nsnull, PRUint32 aIndex=PR_UINT32_MAX, PRUint32 aOtherIndex=PR_UINT32_MAX, nsISupports *aData=nsnull) |
nsresult | BatchBegin () |
nsresult | BatchEnd () |
nsresult | ClearRequests () |
nsresult | GetRequestTemporaryFileFactory (TransferRequest *aRequest, sbITemporaryFileFactory **aTemporaryFileFactory) |
nsresult | DownloadRequestItem (TransferRequest *aRequest, PRUint32 aBatchCount, sbDeviceStatusHelper *aDeviceStatusHelper) |
nsresult | SetPreferenceInternal (nsIPrefBranch *aPrefBranch, const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue, PRBool *aHasChanged) |
nsresult | HasPreference (nsAString &aPrefName, PRBool *aHasPreference) |
nsresult | SetPreviousState (PRUint32 aState) |
nsresult | CreateDeviceLibrary (const nsAString &aId, nsIURI *aLibraryLocation, sbIDeviceLibrary **_retval) |
nsresult | InitializeDeviceLibrary (sbDeviceLibrary *aDevLib, const nsAString &aId, nsIURI *aLibraryLocation) |
nsresult | InitializeDeviceLibraryPreferences (sbDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
void | FinalizeDeviceLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
nsresult | AddLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
virtual nsresult | CheckAccess (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
nsresult | RemoveLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
nsresult | UpdateLibraryProperty (sbILibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aPropertyID, const nsAString &aPropertyValue) |
nsresult | UpdateDefaultLibrary (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLib) |
virtual nsresult | OnDefaultLibraryChanged () |
nsresult | ListenToList (sbIMediaList *aList) |
nsresult | SetIgnoreMediaListListeners (PRBool aIgnoreListener) |
nsresult | SetIgnoreLibraryListener (PRBool aIgnoreListener) |
nsresult | SetMediaListsHidden (sbIMediaList *aLibrary, PRBool aHidden) |
nsresult | IgnoreMediaItem (sbIMediaItem *aItem) |
nsresult | UnignoreMediaItem (sbIMediaItem *aItem) |
nsresult | DeleteItem (sbIMediaList *aLibrary, sbIMediaItem *aItem) |
virtual nsresult | GetItemContentType (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, PRUint32 *aContentType) |
nsresult | UpdateOriginAndContentSrc (TransferRequest *aRequest, nsIURI *aURI) |
nsresult | CreateTransferRequest (PRUint32 aRequestType, nsIPropertyBag2 *aRequestParameters, TransferRequest **aTransferRequest) |
nsresult | CreateAndDispatchEvent (PRUint32 aType, nsIVariant *aData, PRBool aAsync=PR_TRUE, sbIDeviceEventTarget *aTarget=nsnull) |
nsresult | CreateAndDispatchDeviceManagerEvent (PRUint32 aType, nsIVariant *aData, PRBool aAsync=PR_TRUE) |
nsresult | RegenerateMediaURL (sbIMediaItem *aItem, nsIURI **_retval) |
virtual nsresult | GenerateFilename (sbIMediaItem *aItem, nsACString &aFilename) |
nsresult | CreateUniqueMediaFile (nsIURI *aFileURI, nsIFile **aUniqueFile, nsIURI **aUniqueFileURI) |
nsresult | ReqProcessingStart () |
nsresult | ReqProcessingStop (nsIRunnable *aShutdownAction) |
bool | CheckAndResetRequestAbort () |
bool | GetEnsureSpaceChecked () const |
void | SetEnsureSpaceChecked (bool aChecked) |
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD | SetWarningDialogEnabled (const nsAString &aWarning, PRBool aEnabled) |
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD | GetWarningDialogEnabled (const nsAString &aWarning, PRBool *_retval) |
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD | ResetWarningDialogs (void) |
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD | OpenInputStream (nsIURI *aURI, nsIInputStream **retval) |
virtual PRBool | IsRequestAborted () |
sbDeviceTranscoding * | GetDeviceTranscoding () const |
PRLock * | StateLock () |
PRUint32 | GetDeviceState () |
sbDeviceImages * | GetDeviceImages () const |
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void | connect () |
void | disconnect () |
nsIVariant | getPreference (in AString aPrefName) |
void | setPreference (in AString aPrefName, in nsIVariant aPrefValue) |
void | submitRequest (in unsigned long aRequest, in nsIPropertyBag2 aRequestParameters) |
void | cancelRequests () |
void | syncLibraries () |
void | supportsMediaItem (in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem, in sbIDeviceSupportsItemCallback aCallback) |
void | eject () |
void | format () |
void | setWarningDialogEnabled (in AString aWarning, in boolean aEnabled) |
boolean | getWarningDialogEnabled (in AString aWarning) |
void | resetWarningDialogs () |
nsIInputStream | openInputStream (in nsIURI aURI) |
Open an input stream for the URI specified by aURI. The URI may be a generic device URI of the form "x-device:///<device-guid>/<device-library-guid>/path/to/file". Such URI's specify the target device with <device-guid> and the storage volume using the volume's device library with the guid <device-library-guid>. Different device types may also accept device type specific URI's. More... | |
void | importFromDevice (in sbILibrary aImportToLibrary, in sbILibraryChangeset aImportChangeset) |
void | exportToDevice (in sbIDeviceLibrary aDevLibrary, in sbILibraryChangeset aExportChangeset) |
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sbBaseDeviceEventTarget () | |
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boolean | dispatchEvent (in sbIDeviceEvent aEvent, [optional] in PRBool aAsync) |
void | addEventListener (in sbIDeviceEventListener aListener) |
void | removeEventListener (in sbIDeviceEventListener aListener) |
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nsIPropertyBag2 | popRequest () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef sbRequestThreadQueue::Batch | Batch |
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static | NS_HIDDEN_ (PLDHashOperator) EnumerateFinalizeMediaListListeners(nsISupports *aKey |
static | NS_HIDDEN_ (PLDHashOperator) EnumerateIgnoreMediaListListeners(nsISupports *aKey |
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static nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceMediaListListener > & | aData |
static nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceMediaListListener > void * | aClosure |
static nsRefPtr < sbBaseDeviceMediaListListener > | aData |
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readonly attribute AString | name |
readonly attribute AString | productName |
readonly attribute nsIDPtr | controllerId |
readonly attribute nsIDPtr | id |
readonly attribute boolean | connected |
readonly attribute boolean | threaded |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceCapabilities | capabilities |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceContent | content |
attribute sbIDeviceLibrary | defaultLibrary |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceLibrary | primaryLibrary |
readonly attribute nsIPropertyBag2 | parameters |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceProperties | properties |
readonly attribute boolean | isDirectTranscoding |
readonly attribute boolean | isBusy |
readonly attribute boolean | canDisconnect |
readonly attribute sbIDeviceStatus | currentStatus |
readonly attribute boolean | supportsReformat |
attribute unsigned long | state |
readonly attribute unsigned long | previousState |
const unsigned long | STATE_IDLE = 0 |
const unsigned long | STATE_SYNCING = 1 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPYING = 2 |
const unsigned long | STATE_DELETING = 3 |
const unsigned long | STATE_UPDATING = 4 |
const unsigned long | STATE_MOUNTING = 5 |
const unsigned long | STATE_DOWNLOADING = 6 |
const unsigned long | STATE_UPLOADING = 7 |
const unsigned long | STATE_DOWNLOAD_PAUSED = 8 |
const unsigned long | STATE_UPLOAD_PAUSED = 9 |
const unsigned long | STATE_DISCONNECTED = 10 |
const unsigned long | STATE_BUSY = 11 |
const unsigned long | STATE_CANCEL = 12 |
const unsigned long | STATE_TRANSCODE = 13 |
const unsigned long | STATE_FORMATTING = 14 |
const unsigned long | STATE_SYNC_PREPARING = 15 |
const unsigned long | STATE_SYNC_PLAYLIST = 16 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPY_PREPARING = 17 |
const unsigned long | STATE_SYNCING_TYPE = 18 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPYING_MUSIC = 19 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPYING_VIDEO = 20 |
const unsigned long | STATE_IMAGESYNC_PREPARING = 21 |
const unsigned long | STATE_COPYING_IMAGE = 22 |
const unsigned long | STATE_USER = 0x20000000 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FLAG_USER = 0x80000000 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE = 0x40000000 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FLAG_READ = 0x20000000 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_MOUNT = REQUEST_FLAG_READ + 1 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_READ = REQUEST_FLAG_READ + 2 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_EJECT = REQUEST_FLAG_READ + 3 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_SUSPEND = REQUEST_FLAG_READ + 4 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_WRITE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 1 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_DELETE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 2 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_SYNC = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 3 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_WIPE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 4 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_MOVE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 5 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_UPDATE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 6 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_NEW_PLAYLIST = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 7 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FACTORY_RESET = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 8 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_FORMAT = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 9 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_IMAGESYNC = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 10 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_WRITE_FILE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 11 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_DELETE_FILE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 12 |
const unsigned long | REQUEST_SYNC_COMPLETE = REQUEST_FLAG_WRITE + 13 |
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nsresult | Init () |
virtual nsresult | InitDevice () |
virtual nsresult | ChangeState (PRUint32 aState) |
nsresult | EnsureSpaceForWrite (sbILibraryChangeset *aChangeset, sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLibrary) |
nsresult | WaitForBatchEnd () |
void | WaitForBatchEndCallback () |
nsresult | GetMusicFreeSpace (sbILibrary *aLibrary, PRInt64 *aFreeMusicSpace) |
nsresult | GetMusicAvailableSpace (sbILibrary *aLibrary, PRInt64 *aMusicAvailableSpace) |
nsresult | SupportsMediaItem (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, sbDeviceSupportsItemHelper *aCallback, PRBool aReportErrors, PRBool *_retval) |
nsresult | UpdateStreamingItemSupported (Batch &aBatch) |
virtual nsresult | SupportsMediaItemDRM (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, PRBool aReportErrors, PRBool *_retval) |
nsresult | AddVolume (sbBaseDeviceVolume *aVolume) |
nsresult | RemoveVolume (sbBaseDeviceVolume *aVolume) |
nsresult | GetVolumeForItem (sbIMediaItem *aItem, sbBaseDeviceVolume **aVolume) |
virtual nsresult | GetDeviceSettingsDocument (class nsIDOMDocument **aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
nsresult | GetDeviceSettingsDocument (nsIFile *aDeviceSettingsFile, class nsIDOMDocument **aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
nsresult | GetDeviceSettingsDocument (nsTArray< PRUint8 > &aDeviceSettingsContent, class nsIDOMDocument **aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsDocument () |
virtual nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettings (class nsIDOMDocument *aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsToProperty (class nsIDOMDocument *aDeviceSettingsDocument, const nsAString &aPropertyName) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsToProperty (const nsAString &aPropertyName, nsIVariant *aPropertyValue) |
nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsDeviceInfo (class nsIDOMDocument *aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
nsresult | ApplyDeviceSettingsToCapabilities (class nsIDOMDocument *aDeviceSettingsDocument) |
virtual nsresult | InitializeProperties () |
virtual nsresult | UpdateProperties () |
virtual nsresult | UpdateProperty (const nsAString &aName) |
virtual nsresult | UpdateStatisticsProperties () |
nsresult | UpdateVolumeNames () |
virtual nsresult | UpdateVolumeName (sbBaseDeviceVolume *aVolume) |
nsresult | GetPrefBranchRoot (nsACString &aRoot) |
nsresult | GetPrefBranch (nsIPrefBranch **aPrefBranch) |
nsresult | GetPrefBranch (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, nsIPrefBranch **aPrefBranch) |
nsresult | GetPrefBranch (const char *aPrefBranchName, nsIPrefBranch **aPrefBranch) |
nsresult | GetPreferenceInternal (nsIPrefBranch *aPrefBranch, const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant **_retval) |
nsresult | SetPreferenceInternal (nsIPrefBranch *aPrefBranch, const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
nsresult | SetPreferenceInternalNoNotify (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue, PRBool *aPrefChanged) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyPreference (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
PRBool | GetIsLibraryPreference (const nsAString &aPrefName) |
nsresult | GetPreferenceLibrary (const nsAString &aPrefName, sbIDeviceLibrary **aLibrary, nsAString &aLibraryPrefBase) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreference (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefName, nsIVariant **aPrefValue) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreference (const nsAString &aLibraryPrefBase, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefName, nsIVariant **aPrefValue) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyLibraryPreference (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefName, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
virtual nsresult | ApplyLibraryOrganizePreference (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefName, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefBase, nsIVariant *aPrefValue) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreferenceName (const nsAString &aPrefName, nsAString &aLibraryPrefName) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreferenceName (const nsAString &aPrefName, const nsAString &aLibraryPrefBase, nsAString &aLibraryPrefName) |
nsresult | GetLibraryPreferenceBase (sbIDeviceLibrary *aLibrary, nsAString &aPrefBase) |
nsresult | GetCapabilitiesPreference (nsIVariant **aCapabilities) |
nsresult | GetLocalDeviceDir (nsIFile **aLocalDeviceDir) |
nsresult | SendSyncCompleteRequest () |
nsresult | HandleSyncRequest (TransferRequest *aRequest) |
nsresult | HandleSyncCompletedRequest (TransferRequest *aRequest) |
nsresult | EnsureSpaceForSync (sbILibraryChangeset *aChangeset, PRBool *aCapacityExceeded, PRBool *aAbort) |
nsresult | SyncCreateAndSyncToList (sbILibrary *aSrcLib, sbIDeviceLibrary *aDstLib, PRInt64 aAvailableSpace) |
nsresult | SyncCreateSyncMediaList (sbILibrary *aSrcLib, sbIDeviceLibrary *aDstLib, PRInt64 aAvailableSpace, sbIMediaList **aSyncMediaList) |
nsresult | SyncToMediaList (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDstLib, sbIMediaList *aMediaList) |
PRInt64 | GetChangeSize (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDestLibrary, sbILibraryChange *aChange) |
nsresult | SyncGetSyncItemSizes (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDestLibrary, sbILibraryChangeset *aChangeset, PRInt64 aAvailableSpace, PRUint32 &aLastChangeThatFit, PRInt64 &aTotalSyncSize) |
nsresult | SyncGetSyncAvailableSpace (sbILibrary *aLibrary, PRInt64 *aAvailableSpace) |
nsresult | SyncProduceChangeset (TransferRequest *aRequest, sbILibraryChangeset **aExportChangeset, sbILibraryChangeset **aImportChangeset) |
nsresult | SyncMainLibraryFlag (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem) |
nsresult | PromptForEjectDuringPlayback (PRBool *aEject) |
virtual nsresult | UpdateMediaFolders () |
nsresult | GetDeviceWriteDestURI (sbIMediaItem *aWriteDstItem, nsIURI *aContentSrcBaseURI, nsIURI *aWriteSrcURI, nsIURI **aDestinationURI) |
nsresult | ListenToMediaLists (sbILibrary *aLibrary) |
nsresult | SetupDevice () |
nsresult | DeferredSetupDevice () |
nsresult | RegisterDeviceInfo () |
nsresult | RegisterDeviceCapabilities (sbIDeviceCapabilities *aCapabilities) |
nsresult | ProcessInfoRegistrars () |
virtual nsresult | GetSupportedTranscodeProfiles (PRUint32 aType, nsIArray **aSupportedProfiles) |
nsresult | GetDeviceTranscodingProperty (PRUint32 aTranscodeType, const nsAString &aPropertyName, nsIVariant **aPropertyValue) |
nsresult | DispatchTranscodeErrorEvent (sbIMediaItem *aMediaItem, const nsAString &aErrorMessage) |
nsresult | GetSupportedAlbumArtFormats (nsIArray **aFormats) |
nsresult | GetShouldLimitMusicSpace (const nsAString &aPrefBase, PRBool *aOutShouldLimitSpace) |
nsresult | GetMusicLimitSpacePercent (const nsAString &aPrefBase, PRUint32 *aOutLimitPercentage) |
template<class T > | |
nsresult | RemoveLibraryItems (T iter, T end) |
nsresult | GetNameBase (nsAString &aName) |
nsresult | GetProductNameBase (char const *aDefaultModelNumberString, nsAString &aProductName) |
nsresult | IgnoreWatchFolderPath (nsIURI *aURI, sbAutoIgnoreWatchFolderPath **aIgnorePath) |
void | LogDeviceFolders () |
nsresult | GetExcludedFolders (nsTArray< nsString > &aExcludedFolders) |
nsresult | UpdateMediaLists (nsIArray *aMediaLists) |
nsresult | AddMediaLists (sbILibrary *aLibrary, nsIArray *aMediaLists) |
nsresult | CopyChangedMediaItemsToMediaList (sbILibraryChange *aChange, sbIMediaList *aMediaList) |
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virtual | ~sbBaseDeviceEventTarget () |
nsresult | DispatchEventInternal (nsCOMPtr< sbIDeviceEvent > aEvent) |
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static void | WaitForBatchEndCallback (nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure) |
static void | DeferredSetupDevice (nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure) |
static PLDHashOperator | RemoveLibraryEnumerator (nsISupports *aList, nsCOMPtr< nsIMutableArray > &aItems, void *aUserArg) |
static PLDHashOperator | LogDeviceFoldersEnum (const unsigned int &aKey, nsString *aData, void *aUserArg) |
static nsresult | GetImportSettings (sbIDeviceLibrary *aDevLibrary, PRBool *aImportAudio, PRBool *aImportVideo) |
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static const PRUint32 | DEFAULT_PER_TRACK_OVERHEAD = 10000 |
static const PRUint32 | SYNC_PLAYLIST_AVAILABLE_PCT = 95 |
static const PRUint32 | DEFER_DEVICE_SETUP_DELAY = 2000 |
Definition at line 36 of file sbMockDevice.h.
NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END sbMockDevice::sbMockDevice | ( | ) |
virtual |
Process this batch of requests
Implements sbBaseDevice.
Definition at line 709 of file sbMockDevice.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 53 of file sbMockDevice.h.
protected |
Definition at line 51 of file sbMockDevice.h.
protected |
Definition at line 49 of file sbMockDevice.h.
protected |
Definition at line 52 of file sbMockDevice.h.