A helper used to construct sbIPlaylistCommands interfaces. More...
Public Member Functions | |
void | init (in AString aId) |
A required initialization method that sets the id of the sbIPlaylistCommands object. A playlist command must have an id to be registered. More... | |
void | appendSubmenu (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aSubMenuId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText) |
Append a submenu to the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertSubmenuBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aSubMenuId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText) |
Insert a submenu into the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertSubmenuAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aSubMenuId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText) |
Insert a submenu into the set of commands. More... | |
void | appendAction (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aActionId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback) |
Append an action to the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertActionBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aActionId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback) |
Insert an action into the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertActionAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aActionId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback) |
Insert an action into the set of commands. More... | |
void | appendSeparator (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aSeparatorId) |
Append a separator to the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertSeparatorBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aSeparatorId) |
Insert a separator into the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertSeparatorAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aSeparatorId) |
Insert a separator into the set of commands. More... | |
void | appendFlag (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aFlagId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback aValueCallback) |
Append a flag to the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertFlagBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aCommandId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback aGetValueCallback) |
Insert a flag into the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertFlagAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aCommandId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback aGetValueCallback) |
Insert a flag into the set of commands. More... | |
void | appendValue (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aValueId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSetValueCallback aSetValueCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback aGetValueCallback) |
Append a value to the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertValueBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aValueId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSetValueCallback aSetValueCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback aGetValueCallback) |
Insert a value into the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertValueAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aValueId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSetValueCallback aSetValueCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback aGetValueCallback) |
Insert a value into the set of commands. More... | |
void | appendChoiceMenu (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aChoiceMenuId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback aItemCallback) |
Append a choicemenu to the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertChoiceMenuBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aChoiceMenuId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback aItemCallback) |
Insert a choicemenu into the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertChoiceMenuAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aChoiceMenuId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback aItemCallback) |
Insert a choicemenu into the set of commands. More... | |
void | appendChoiceMenuItem (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aChoiceMenuItemId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback) |
Append a choicemenuitem to the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertChoiceMenuItemBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aCommandId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback) |
Insert a choicemenuitem into the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertChoiceMenuItemAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aCommandId, in AString aLabel, in AString aTooltipText, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback aTriggerCallback) |
Insert a choicemenuitem into the set of commands. More... | |
void | appendCustomItem (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aCustomItemId, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderInstantiationCallback aInstantiationCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderRefreshCallback aRefreshCallback) |
Append a customitem to the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertCustomItemBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aCustomItemId, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderInstantiationCallback aInstantiationCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderRefreshCallback aRefreshCallback) |
Insert a customitem into the set of commands. More... | |
void | insertCustomItemAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aCustomItemId, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderInstantiationCallback aInstantiationCallback, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderRefreshCallback aRefreshCallback) |
Insert a customitem into the set of commands. More... | |
void | appendPlaylistCommands (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aCommandsId, in sbIPlaylistCommands aPlaylistCommands) |
Append an existing set of commands to this set of commands. More... | |
void | insertPlaylistCommandsBefore (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aBeforeId, in AString aCommandsId, in sbIPlaylistCommands aPlaylistCommands) |
Insert an existing set of commands into this set of commands. More... | |
void | insertPlaylistCommandsAfter (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aAfterId, in AString aCommandsId, in sbIPlaylistCommands aPlaylistCommands) |
Insert an existing set of commands into this set of commands. More... | |
void | setCommandShortcut (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aCommandId, in AString aShortcutKey, in AString aShortcutKeyCode, in AString aShortcutModifiers, in PRBool aShortcutIsLocal) |
Assign a keyboard shortcut to a command item. More... | |
void | setCommandEnabledCallback (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aCommandId, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback aEnabledCallback) |
Assign a callback to a command item to dynamically determine its enabled status. More... | |
void | setCommandVisibleCallback (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aCommandId, in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback aVisibleCallback) |
Assign a callback to a command item to dynamically determine its visible status. More... | |
void | setInitCallback (in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderPCCallback aInitCallback) |
Assign a callback to the entire command set to perform initialization. More... | |
void | setShutdownCallback (in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderPCCallback aInitCallback) |
Assign a callback to the entire command set to perform shutdown. More... | |
void | setVisibleCallback (in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderPCCallback aVisibleCallback) |
Assign a callback to the entire command set to dynamically determine its visible status (affects all commands) More... | |
void | removeCommand (in AString aParentSubMenuId, in AString aCommandId) |
Remove a command from the set. More... | |
void | removeAllCommands ([optional] in AString aParentSubMenuId) |
Remove all commands from the set. More... | |
void | shutdown () |
Shutdown the builder object, ensure that no external reference remains in its internal arrays. More... | |
![]() | |
void | addCommandObject (in sbIPlaylistCommands aCommandObjectAction) |
Adds a command object as a child of this sbIPlaylistCommands object. More... | |
void | removeCommandObject (in sbIPlaylistCommands aCommandObject) |
Removes a child command object from this sbIPlaylistCommands object. More... | |
void | addListener (in sbIPlaylistCommandsListener aListener) |
Adds a listener to this command object to detect child additions or removals and other changes to the command object. More... | |
void | removeListener (in sbIPlaylistCommandsListener aListener) |
Removes a listener from this command object. More... | |
void | notifyListeners (in AString aTriggerFunction, in sbIPlaylistCommands aCommandObject) |
Notifies the listeners added to this command object. aTriggerFunction can be onCommandAdded, onCommandRemoved, or onCommandChanged and the param aCommandObject is expected to be the added, removed, or changed sbIPlaylistCommands object. More... | |
PRBool | getVisible (in AString aHost) |
Return the visible state for the entire command object. More... | |
void | setContext (in sbIPlaylistCommandsContext aContext) |
Be informed when a set of commands are attached to a playlist element. More... | |
PRInt32 | getNumCommands (in AString aSubMenu, in AString aHost) |
Return the number of command elements to be displayed. More... | |
AString | getCommandType (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the type of the requested command element index. More... | |
AString | getCommandId (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the id string for the requested command element index. More... | |
AString | getCommandText (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the human readable text for the requested command element index. More... | |
PRInt32 | getCommandFlex (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the flex value for the requested command element index. More... | |
AString | getCommandToolTipText (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the human readable text for the requested command element's tooltip. More... | |
PRBool | getCommandEnabled (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the enabled state for the requested command element index. More... | |
PRBool | getCommandVisible (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the visible state for the requested command element index. More... | |
PRBool | getCommandFlag (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the value of the flag for the requested command element index. More... | |
AString | getCommandValue (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the value of the requested command element index. More... | |
AString | getCommandChoiceItem (in AString aChoiceMenu, in AString aHost) |
Return the selected item for choice list of the requested command element index. More... | |
AString | getCommandShortcutModifiers (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the shortcut modifiers of the requested command element index. More... | |
AString | getCommandShortcutKey (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the shortcut key of the requested command element index. More... | |
AString | getCommandShortcutKeycode (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return the shortcut keycode of the requested command element index. More... | |
PRBool | getCommandShortcutLocal (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return a boolean reflecting the local vs window-wide behavior of the shortcut. More... | |
sbIPlaylistCommands | getCommandSubObject (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) |
Return an sbIPlaylistCommands secondary object. More... | |
nsISimpleEnumerator | getChildrenCommandObjects () |
Returns all sbIPlaylistCommands that are children of this command object (returns the originals) More... | |
nsIDOMNode | instantiateCustomCommand (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost, in AString aID, in nsIDOMDocument aDocument) |
Instantiate the custom element associated with the requested command. More... | |
void | refreshCustomCommand (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost, in AString aID, in nsIDOMNode aCustomCommandElement) |
Refresh the custom element associated with the requested command. More... | |
void | onCommand (in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost, in AString aId, in AString aValue) |
Handle the fact that a command was activated. More... | |
sbIPlaylistCommands | duplicate () |
Duplicate the command object. More... | |
void | initCommands (in AString aHost) |
Initialization function. More... | |
void | shutdownCommands () |
Shutdown function. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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readonly attribute AString | id |
An identifier for the command object, unique for each playlist type or guid. Must be set with the init method before a playlist command can be registered. More... | |
attribute PRUint16 | targetFlags |
Flags of the form specified in sbIPlaylistCommandsHelper.idl to indicate the current location of this command object. These flags are only set by the functions of sbIPlaylistCommandsHelper currently, so may not be present in sbIPlaylistCommands created and added through other means. If these flags are not present, or equal 0, then the sbIPlaylistCommands object is not informed of its current location. As well, because of issues removing objects with the sbIPlaylistCommandsHelper functions that were not created or added in through that service, these flags can, in that situation, inaccurately report that an object is somewhere that it is actually not present (namely one of the mediaitem context menu or toolbar). These flags will always, however, accurately report where this playlist command is not. More... | |
attribute sbIPlaylistCommands | parentCommandObject |
The parent sbIPlaylistCommands of this object. The parentCommandObject is set by sbIPlaylistCommands.addCommandObject and is primarily used to bubble listener notifications up the sbIPlaylistCommands hierarchy. More... | |
readonly attribute sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderPCCallback | visibleCallback |
Return the current visibility callback method that determines where this object will be visible. More... | |
A helper used to construct sbIPlaylistCommands interfaces.
This interface is meant to be instantiated by user code, ie:
The instance may then be used to create a set of commands, which it exposes to playlist objects, and to service pane nodes. Each of its command may be of several different kinds :
Commands registered to the PlaylistCommandsManager using the registerPlaylistCommandsMedia[List|Item]() functions should be unregistered using the corresponding unregisterPlaylistCommandsMedia[List|Item]() function before application shutdown. Commands published using the publish() function should be withdrawn using the withdraw() function before application shutdown.
All instantiated sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder should have their shutdown() method called before application shutdown to ensure that no external reference remains in their internal arrays.
Note that text parameters (labels, tooltiptexts) as well as keyboard shortcut strings (key, keycode, modifiers) may take values such as "&value", which will cause the appropriate localized string to be fetched from the active locale.
Definition at line 113 of file sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder.idl.
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendAction | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aActionId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback | ||
) |
Append an action to the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aActionId | The Id of the action to add |
aLabel | The label for the action to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the action to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this action is triggered |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendChoiceMenu | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aChoiceMenuId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback | aItemCallback | ||
) |
Append a choicemenu to the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aChoiceMenuId | The Id of the choicemenu to add |
aLabel | The label for the choicemenu to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the choicemenu to add |
aItemCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the id of the currently selected choice item |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendChoiceMenuItem | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aChoiceMenuItemId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback | ||
) |
Append a choicemenuitem to the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aChoiceMenuItemId | The Id of the choicemenuitem to add |
aLabel | The label for the choicemenuitem to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the choicemenuitem to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this choicemenuitem is selected |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendCustomItem | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aCustomItemId, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderInstantiationCallback | aInstantiationCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderRefreshCallback | aRefreshCallback | ||
) |
Append a customitem to the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aCustomItemId | The Id of the customitem to add |
aInstantiationCallback | The interface or function to call in order to instantiate this customitem |
aRefreshCallback | The interface or function to call when this customitem should be refreshed |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendFlag | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aFlagId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback | aValueCallback | ||
) |
Append a flag to the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aFlagId | The Id of the flag to add |
aLabel | The label for the flag to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the flag to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this flag is flipped |
aValueCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the flag's value |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendPlaylistCommands | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aCommandsId, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommands | aPlaylistCommands | ||
) |
Append an existing set of commands to this set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aCommandsId | The Id of the playlistcommands item to add |
aPlaylistCommands | The sbIPlaylistCommands interface to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendSeparator | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aSeparatorId | ||
) |
Append a separator to the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aSeparatorId | The Id of the separator to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendSubmenu | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aSubMenuId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText | ||
) |
Append a submenu to the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aSubMenuId | The Id of the submenu to add |
aLabel | The label for the submenu to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the submenu to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::appendValue | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aValueId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSetValueCallback | aSetValueCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback | aGetValueCallback | ||
) |
Append a value to the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aValueId | The Id of the value to add |
aLabel | The label for the value to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the value to add |
aSetValueCallback | The interface or function to call when this value is changed |
aValueCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the value |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::init | ( | in AString | aId | ) |
A required initialization method that sets the id of the sbIPlaylistCommands object. A playlist command must have an id to be registered.
aId | The id to set for this sbIPlaylistCommands object |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertActionAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aActionId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback | ||
) |
Insert an action into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this action is to be added |
aActionId | The Id of the action to add |
aLabel | The label for the action to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the action to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this action is triggered |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertActionBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aActionId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback | ||
) |
Insert an action into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this action is to be added |
aActionId | The Id of the action to add |
aLabel | The label for the action to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the action to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this action is triggered |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertChoiceMenuAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aChoiceMenuId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback | aItemCallback | ||
) |
Insert a choicemenu into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this choicemenu is to be added |
aChoiceMenuId | The Id of the choicemenu to add |
aLabel | The label for the choicemenu to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the choicemenu to add |
aItemCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the id of the currently selected choice item |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertChoiceMenuBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aChoiceMenuId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback | aItemCallback | ||
) |
Insert a choicemenu into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this choicemenu is to be added |
aChoiceMenuId | The Id of the choicemenu to add |
aLabel | The label for the choicemenu to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the choicemenu to add |
aItemCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the id of the currently selected choice item |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertChoiceMenuItemAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aCommandId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback | ||
) |
Insert a choicemenuitem into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this choicemenuitem is to be added |
aChoiceMenuItemId | The Id of the choicemenuitem to add |
aLabel | The label for the choicemenuitem to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the choicemenuitem to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this choicemenuitem is selected |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertChoiceMenuItemBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aCommandId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback | ||
) |
Insert a choicemenuitem into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this choicemenuitem is to be added |
aChoiceMenuItemId | The Id of the choicemenuitem to add |
aLabel | The label for the choicemenuitem to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the choicemenuitem to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this choicemenuitem is selected |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertCustomItemAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aCustomItemId, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderInstantiationCallback | aInstantiationCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderRefreshCallback | aRefreshCallback | ||
) |
Insert a customitem into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this customitem is to be added |
aCustomItemId | The Id of the customitem to add |
aInstantiationCallback | The interface or function to call in order to instantiate this customitem |
aRefreshCallback | The interface or function to call when this customitem should be refreshed |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertCustomItemBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aCustomItemId, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderInstantiationCallback | aInstantiationCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderRefreshCallback | aRefreshCallback | ||
) |
Insert a customitem into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this customitem is to be added |
aCustomItemId | The Id of the customitem to add |
aInstantiationCallback | The interface or function to call in order to instantiate this customitem |
aRefreshCallback | The interface or function to call when this customitem should be refreshed |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertFlagAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aCommandId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback | aGetValueCallback | ||
) |
Insert a flag into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this flag is to be added |
aFlagId | The Id of the flag to add |
aLabel | The label for the flag to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the flag to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this flag is flipped |
aValueCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the flag's value |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertFlagBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aCommandId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSimpleCallback | aTriggerCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback | aGetValueCallback | ||
) |
Insert a flag into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this flag is to be added |
aFlagId | The Id of the flag to add |
aLabel | The label for the flag to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the flag to add |
aTriggerCallback | The interface or function to call when this flag is flipped |
aValueCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the flag's value |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertPlaylistCommandsAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aCommandsId, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommands | aPlaylistCommands | ||
) |
Insert an existing set of commands into this set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this playlistcommands item is to be added |
aCommandsId | The Id of the playlistcommands item to add |
aPlaylistCommands | The sbIPlaylistCommands interface to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertPlaylistCommandsBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aCommandsId, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommands | aPlaylistCommands | ||
) |
Insert an existing set of commands into this set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this playlistcommands item is to be added |
aCommandsId | The Id of the playlistcommands item to add |
aPlaylistCommands | The sbIPlaylistCommands interface to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertSeparatorAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aSeparatorId | ||
) |
Insert a separator into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this separator is to be added |
aSeparatorId | The Id of the separator to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertSeparatorBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aSeparatorId | ||
) |
Insert a separator into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this separator is to be added |
aSeparatorId | The Id of the separator to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertSubmenuAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aSubMenuId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText | ||
) |
Insert a submenu into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this submenu is to be added |
aSubMenuId | The Id of the submenu to add |
aLabel | The label for the submenu to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the submenu to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertSubmenuBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aSubMenuId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText | ||
) |
Insert a submenu into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this submenu is to be added |
aSubMenuId | The Id of the submenu to add |
aLabel | The label for the submenu to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the submenu to add |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertValueAfter | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aAfterId, | ||
in AString | aValueId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSetValueCallback | aSetValueCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback | aGetValueCallback | ||
) |
Insert a value into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aAfterId | The Id of the command after which this value is to be added |
aValueId | The Id of the value to add |
aLabel | The label for the value to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the value to add |
aSetValueCallback | The interface or function to call when this value is changed |
aValueCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the value |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::insertValueBefore | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aBeforeId, | ||
in AString | aValueId, | ||
in AString | aLabel, | ||
in AString | aTooltipText, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderSetValueCallback | aSetValueCallback, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetStringCallback | aGetValueCallback | ||
) |
Insert a value into the set of commands.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aBeforeId | The Id of the command before which this value is to be added |
aValueId | The Id of the value to add |
aLabel | The label for the value to add |
aTooltipText | The tooltip text for the value to add |
aSetValueCallback | The interface or function to call when this value is changed |
aValueCallback | The interface or function to call to retrieve the value |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::removeAllCommands | ( | [optional] in AString | aParentSubMenuId | ) |
Remove all commands from the set.
aParentSubMenuId | An optional menu id whose commands (and submenus) should be removed. Without this parameter, all commands and submenus are removed. |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::removeCommand | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aCommandId | ||
) |
Remove a command from the set.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aCommandId | The Id of the command item to remove |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::setCommandEnabledCallback | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aCommandId, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback | aEnabledCallback | ||
) |
Assign a callback to a command item to dynamically determine its enabled status.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aCommandId | The Id of the command item for which to set the callback |
aEnabledCallback | An interface or function to call to determine the command item's enabled status |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::setCommandShortcut | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aCommandId, | ||
in AString | aShortcutKey, | ||
in AString | aShortcutKeyCode, | ||
in AString | aShortcutModifiers, | ||
in PRBool | aShortcutIsLocal | ||
) |
Assign a keyboard shortcut to a command item.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aCommandId | The Id of the command item for which to set a keyboard shortcut |
aShortcutKey | The keyboard shortcut key |
aShortcutKeyCode | The keyboard shortcut keycode |
aShortcutModifiers | The keyboard shortcut modifiers |
aShortcutIsLocal | Whether this keyboard shortcut acts at the level of the command object only, rather than at the level of the entire window |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::setCommandVisibleCallback | ( | in AString | aParentSubMenuId, |
in AString | aCommandId, | ||
in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderGetBoolCallback | aVisibleCallback | ||
) |
Assign a callback to a command item to dynamically determine its visible status.
aParentSubMenuId | The Id of the parent submenu |
aCommandId | The Id of the command item for which to set the callback |
aVisibleCallback | An interface or function to call to determine the command item's visible status |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::setInitCallback | ( | in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderPCCallback | aInitCallback | ) |
Assign a callback to the entire command set to perform initialization.
aInitCallback | An interface or function to call to perform initialization |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::setShutdownCallback | ( | in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderPCCallback | aInitCallback | ) |
Assign a callback to the entire command set to perform shutdown.
aInitCallback | An interface or function to call to perform shutdown |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::setVisibleCallback | ( | in sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilderPCCallback | aVisibleCallback | ) |
Assign a callback to the entire command set to dynamically determine its visible status (affects all commands)
aVisibleCallback | An interface or function to call to determine the command set's visible status |
void sbIPlaylistCommandsBuilder::shutdown | ( | ) |
Shutdown the builder object, ensure that no external reference remains in its internal arrays.