32 #include "nsISupports.idl"
52 [scriptable,
100 [scriptable,
111 [scriptable,
125 [scriptable,
128 void init(in AString aProperty, in
boolean aIsAscending);
boolean equals(in sbILibraryConstraintGroup aOtherGroup)
sbILibraryConstraintBuilder includeList(in AString aProperty, in nsIStringEnumerator aValues)
Adds a property / value pair to the current group for each of the values supplied in the value list...
void init(in AString aProperty, in boolean aIsAscending)
readonly attribute unsigned long groupCount
boolean hasProperty(in AString aProperty)
sbILibraryConstraintBuilder include(in AString aProperty, in AString aValue)
Add a property / value pair to the current group.
sbILibraryConstraintBuilder parseFromString(in AString aSerializedConstraint)
Attempt to parse a serialized constraint description. This expects a string as serialized by sbILibra...
nsIStringEnumerator getValues(in AString aProperty)
boolean equals(in sbILibraryConstraint aOtherConstraint)
A sort that can be applied to a media list view.
sbILibraryConstraintBuilder intersect()
Completes the current group and starts a new one. Each group will be intersected in the result...
sbILibraryConstraintGroup getGroup(in unsigned long aIndex)
readonly attribute boolean isAscending
readonly attribute AString property
readonly attribute nsISimpleEnumerator groups
readonly attribute nsIStringEnumerator properties
sbILibraryConstraintBuilder includeConstraint(in sbILibraryConstraint aConstraint)
Add an existing constraint to the builder.