28 Components.utils.import(
37 var localizationKeys = {
39 created:
40 updated:
41 contentURL:
42 contentType:
45 trackName:
46 albumName:
47 artistName:
48 trackType:
52 trackNumber:
53 discNumber:
54 totalDiscs:
55 totalTracks:
56 isPartOfCompilation:
57 producerName:
58 composerName:
59 conductorName:
60 lyricistName:
62 recordLabelName:
63 primaryImageURL:
64 lastPlayTime:
66 lastSkipTime:
67 skipCount:
69 sampleRate:
75 copyright:
76 copyrightURL:
78 metadataUUID:
79 softwareVendor:
80 originURL:
81 destination:
83 columnSpec:
84 defaultColumnSpec:
85 originPage:
86 artistDetailUrl:
87 albumDetailUrl:
88 originPageTitle:
89 downloadButton:
90 downloadDetails:
92 originPageImage:
93 artistDetailImage:
94 albumDetailImage:
95 rapiScopeURL:
96 rapiSiteID:
97 mediaListName:
98 defaultMediaPageURL:
99 availability:
100 albumArtistName:
101 cdRipStatus:
102 shouldRip:
103 keywords:
104 description:
105 showName:
106 episodeNumber:
107 seasonNumber:
108 playlistURL:
109 metadataHashIdentity:
113 var specialLocalizationKeys = {
114 "http://songbirdnest.com/dummy/smartmedialists/1.0#playlist":
115 "property.dummy.playlist",
119 Components.classes[
120 .getService(Components.interfaces.sbIPropertyManager);
124 for (var prop in localizationKeys) {
125 info = propMgr.getPropertyInfo(SBProperties[prop]);
128 info.localizationKey,
129 "Property does not have expected localization info");
130 }
catch (e
if e ==
136 var propEnum = propMgr.propertyIDs;
137 while (propEnum.hasMore()) {
138 var propID = propEnum.getNext();
139 var
propName = propID.replace(SBProperties.base,
140 if (propName in localizationKeys) {
144 info = propMgr.getPropertyInfo(propID);
146 if (propID in specialLocalizationKeys) {
149 info.localizationKey,
150 "Property does not have expected special localization info");
154 "Property has unknown custom localization info");
156 }
catch (e
if e ==
dataSBHighestRatedArtists SBProperties rating
function assertEqual(aExpected, aActual, aMessage)
BogusChannel prototype contentLength
function runTest()
Advanced DataRemote unit tests.
var getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator).getMostRecentWindow('Songbird SBProperties playCount