35 #include "nsISupports.idl"
50 [scriptable,
62 readonly attribute AString
129 #define SB_ALBUM_ART_FETCHER_CATEGORY "songbird-album-art-fetcher"
132 "@songbirdnest.com/Songbird/album-art/file-fetcher;1"
135 "@songbirdnest.com/Songbird/album-art/metadata-fetcher;1"
attribute boolean isEnabled
Flag to indicate if this Fetcher is enabled or not.
void fetchAlbumArtForAlbum(in nsIArray aMediaItems, in sbIAlbumArtListener aListener)
Try to fetch album art for a list of items that belong to the same album. This function infers that a...
readonly attribute AString name
Name of AlbumArtFetcher to display to the user on things like menus.
attribute PRInt32 priority
Priority of this fetcher, a lower number represents a higher priority (so 0 is higher than 10)...
readonly attribute AString shortName
Short name of AlbumArtFetcher.
void fetchAlbumArtForTrack(in sbIMediaItem aMediaItem, in sbIAlbumArtListener aListener)
Try to fetch album art for a single track.
A component which is interested in the result of an album art fetch request.
readonly attribute boolean isFetching
Flag to indicate if this fetcher is currently fetching.
readonly attribute AString description
Description of the AlbumArtFetcher to display to the user.
readonly attribute boolean isLocal
Flag to indicate if this Fetcher fetches from local sources.
attribute nsIArray albumArtSourceList
List of sources of album art (e.g., sbIMetadataHandler).
Interface for an album art fetcher. Instantiate as a component instance.