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10  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
11  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
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14  * The Original Code is code.
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16  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla Corporation.
17  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
18  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
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20  * Contributor(s):
21  * Paul O’Shannessy <> (original author)
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23  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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37 function test() {
38  /* Permaorange on Linux right now, so disable there. */
39  let osString = Components.classes[";1"].
40  getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULRuntime).OS;
41  if (osString == "Linux")
42  return;
48  const PRIORITY_DELTA = -10; // same as in NetworkPrioritizer
50  // Test helper functions.
51  // getPriority and setPriority can take a Tab or a Browser
52  function getPriority(aBrowser) {
53  // Assume we were passed a tab if it's not a browser
54  if (!aBrowser.webNavigation)
55  aBrowser = aBrowser.linkedBrowser;
56  return aBrowser.webNavigation.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocumentLoader)
57  .loadGroup.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPriority).priority;
58  }
59  function setPriority(aBrowser, aPriority) {
60  if (!aBrowser.webNavigation)
61  aBrowser = aBrowser.linkedBrowser;
62  aBrowser.webNavigation.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocumentLoader)
63  .loadGroup.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPriority).priority = aPriority;
64  }
66  function isWindowState(aWindow, aTabPriorities) {
67  let browsers = aWindow.gBrowser.browsers;
68  // Make sure we have the right number of tabs & priorities
69  is(browsers.length, aTabPriorities.length,
70  "Window has expected number of tabs");
71  // aState should be in format [ priority, priority, priority ]
72  for (let i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) {
73  is(getPriority(browsers[i]), aTabPriorities[i],
74  "Tab had expected priority");
75  }
76  }
79  // This is the real test. It creates multiple tabs & windows, changes focus,
80  // closes windows/tabs to make sure we behave correctly.
81  // This test assumes that no priorities have been adjusted and the loadgroup
82  // priority starts at 0.
83  function test_behavior() {
85  // Call window "window_A" to make the test easier to follow
86  let window_A = window;
88  // Test 1 window, 1 tab case.
89  isWindowState(window_A, [-10]);
91  // Exising tab is tab_A1
92  let tab_A2 = window_A.gBrowser.addTab("");
93  let tab_A3 = window_A.gBrowser.addTab("about:config");
94  tab_A3.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
95  tab_A3.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
97  // tab_A2 isn't focused yet
98  isWindowState(window_A, [-10, 0, 0]);
100  // focus tab_A2 & make sure priority got updated
101  window_A.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab_A2;
102  isWindowState(window_A, [0, -10, 0]);
104  window_A.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_A2);
105  // Next tab is auto selected
106  isWindowState(window_A, [0, -10]);
108  // Open another window then play with focus
109  let window_B = openDialog(location, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", "");
110  window_B.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
111  window_B.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
112  window_B.gBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
113  // waitForFocus can attach to the wrong "window" with about:blank loading first
114  // So just ensure that we're getting the load event for the right URI
115  if (window_B.gBrowser.currentURI.spec == "about:blank")
116  return;
117  window_B.gBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
119  waitForFocus(function() {
120  isWindowState(window_A, [10, 0]);
121  isWindowState(window_B, [-10]);
123  waitForFocus(function() {
124  isWindowState(window_A, [0, -10]);
125  isWindowState(window_B, [0]);
127  waitForFocus(function() {
128  isWindowState(window_A, [10, 0]);
129  isWindowState(window_B, [-10]);
131  // And we're done. Cleanup & run the next test
132  window_B.close();
133  window_A.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_A3);
134  executeSoon(runNextTest);
135  }, window_B);
136  }, window_A);
137  }, window_B);
139  }, true);
140  }, false);
141  }, true);
143  }
146  // This is more a test of nsLoadGroup and how it handles priorities. But since
147  // we depend on its behavior, it's good to test it. This is testing that there
148  // are no errors if we adjust beyond nsISupportsPriority's bounds.
149  function test_extremePriorities() {
150  let tab_A1 = gBrowser.tabContainer.getItemAtIndex(0);
151  let oldPriority = getPriority(tab_A1);
153  // Set the priority of tab_A1 to the lowest possible. Selecting the other tab
154  // will try to lower it
155  setPriority(tab_A1, Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_LOWEST);
157  let tab_A2 = gBrowser.addTab("");
158  tab_A2.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
159  tab_A2.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
160  gBrowser.selectedTab = tab_A2;
161  is(getPriority(tab_A1), Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_LOWEST - PRIORITY_DELTA,
162  "Can adjust priority beyond 'lowest'");
164  // Now set priority to "highest" and make sure that no errors occur.
165  setPriority(tab_A1, Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
166  gBrowser.selectedTab = tab_A1;
168  is(getPriority(tab_A1), Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_HIGHEST + PRIORITY_DELTA,
169  "Can adjust priority beyond 'highest'");
171  // Cleanup, run next test
172  gBrowser.removeTab(tab_A2);
173  executeSoon(function() {
174  setPriority(tab_A1, oldPriority);
175  runNextTest();
176  });
178  }, true);
179  }
182  let tests = [test_behavior, test_extremePriorities];
183  function runNextTest() {
184  if (tests.length) {
185  // Linux has problems if window isn't focused. Should help prevent [orange].
186  waitForFocus(tests.shift());
187  } else {
188  finish();
189  }
190  }
192  runNextTest();
193 }
let window
function test()
return!aWindow arguments!aWindow arguments[0]
_updateTextAndScrollDataForTab aBrowser
const Ci
function runNextTest()
_getSelectedPageStyle s i