This is the complete list of members for sbRemoteCommands, including all inherited members.
addCommand(in AString aType, in AString aID, in AString aName, in AString aTooltip) | sbIRemoteCommands | |
addCommandObject(in sbIPlaylistCommands aCommandObjectAction) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
addListener(in sbIPlaylistCommandsListener aListener) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
DoCommandsUpdated() | sbRemoteCommands | protected |
duplicate() | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getChildrenCommandObjects() | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandChoiceItem(in AString aChoiceMenu, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandEnabled(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandFlag(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandFlex(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandId(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandShortcutKey(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandShortcutKeycode(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandShortcutLocal(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandShortcutModifiers(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandSubObject(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandText(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandToolTipText(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandType(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandValue(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getCommandVisible(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getNumCommands(in AString aSubMenu, in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
getVisible(in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
id | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
Init() | sbRemoteCommands | virtual |
initCommands(in AString aHost) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
instantiateCustomCommand(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost, in AString aID, in nsIDOMDocument aDocument) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
mCommands | sbRemoteCommands | protected |
mContext | sbRemoteCommands | protected |
mProperties | sbRemoteCommands | protected |
mRemotePlayer | sbRemoteCommands | protected |
mSecurityMixin | sbRemoteCommands | protected |
mWeakOwner | sbRemoteCommands | protected |
notifyListeners(in AString aTriggerFunction, in sbIPlaylistCommands aCommandObject) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
onCommand(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost, in AString aId, in AString aValue) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
owner | sbIRemoteCommands | |
parentCommandObject | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
refreshCustomCommand(in AString aSubMenu, in PRInt32 aIndex, in AString aHost, in AString aID, in nsIDOMNode aCustomCommandElement) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
remotePlayer | sbISecurityAggregator | |
removeCommand(in AString aID) | sbIRemoteCommands | |
removeCommandObject(in sbIPlaylistCommands aCommandObject) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
removeListener(in sbIPlaylistCommandsListener aListener) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
sbRemoteCommands(sbRemotePlayer *aRemotePlayer) | sbRemoteCommands | |
setCommandData(in unsigned long aNumCommands, [const, array, size_is(aNumCommands)] in wstring aTypeArray, [const, array, size_is(aNumCommands)] in wstring aIDArray, [const, array, size_is(aNumCommands)] in wstring aNameArray, [const, array, size_is(aNumCommands)] in wstring aTooltipArray) | sbIRemoteCommands | |
setContext(in sbIPlaylistCommandsContext aContext) | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
shutdownCommands() | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
targetFlags | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
visibleCallback | sbIPlaylistCommands | |
~sbRemoteCommands() | sbRemoteCommands | protectedvirtual |